You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item6005 (08 Jan 2009, KwangErnLiew)Edit Attach

Item6005: EditTable Changes "label"-formatted cell in unexpected way

Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In:
Target Release: patch
Applies To: Extension
Component: EditTablePlugin
Reported By: TWiki:Main.VickiBrown
Waiting For:
Last Change By: KwangErnLiew
A co-worker brought this to my attention.

Start with a table like this

| | Games | Finance | Sports | News |
| %GREEN% Migration sequence # %ENDCOLOR% <br /> _not required at this time_ | | | | | 
| # of space ids  | | | | |

Save it:


Click the Edit button:


Click Save:


Look at what happened to the GREEN cell content.

On the back side (Raw view) it looks like this

| | Games | Finance | Sports | News |
| %E</em>T_P_NOPGREEN% Migration sequence # %ENDCOLOR% <br /> _not required at this time_ | | | | |
| # of space ids | | | | |


I tried
  • bolding the header cells with =*...*.
  • ensuring that the upper left cell has something in it
to no avail

Then I tried replacing the TWikiML with HTML

| %GREEN% Migration sequence # %ENDCOLOR% <br /> <i>not required at this time</i> | | | | | 

So, there's a workaround. But this needs to be found and fixed.

-- TWiki:Main/VickiBrown - 20 Sep 2008

In any case comething is wrong with the plugin: after editing the url returns to viewauth, and the EDITTABLE tag is no longer parsed: Item6008.

The problem on your bug is that the italic text is somehow rendered and the variable placeholder gets mangled.

I found that with a label cell:
  1. TML is stripped too agressively
  2. no space is written between TML and the hidden input field

Fixed this.

-- TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens - 21 Sep 2008

ItemTemplate edit

Summary EditTable Changes "label"-formatted cell in unexpected way
ReportedBy TWiki:Main.VickiBrown
SVN Range TWiki-5.0.0, Fri, 12 Sep 2008, build 17509
AppliesTo Extension
Component EditTablePlugin
Priority Normal
CurrentState Closed
Checkins TWikirev:17530 TWikirev:17531
TargetRelease patch
Topic revision: r6 - 08 Jan 2009, KwangErnLiew
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