Item6068: WYSIWYG removes linebreaks from pre-tag
Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In: 1.1.0
Target Release: minor
After editing a topic that contains pre-Tags with wysiwyg all linebreaks are deleted.
e.g. create a topic with raw-edit
edit and save with wysiwyg:
<pre>test test test</pre>
TWiki:Main/CedricWeber - 14 Oct 2008
Same as
MartinCleaver - 08 Jan 2009
MMM. Martin you point the bug to itself and closes the bug???
KennethLavrsen - 04 Jul 2009
Okay guys, any ideas? Any flash of inspiration what causes this bug?
SvenHess - 15 Jul 2009
I believe I solved the problem in my 1.0.6 installation with the patch below.
I would be grateful for a confirmation or a correction to my approach.
diff -ur WysiwygPlugin/ WysiwygPlugin-patched/
--- WysiwygPlugin/ 2009-06-21 23:22:23.000000000 +0200
+++ WysiwygPlugin-patched/ 2009-08-02 16:22:47.000000000 +0200
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
- $this->_putBackBlocks( $text, 'pre' );
+ $this->_putBackBlocks( $text, 'pre', 'pre', \&_protectVerbatimChars );
$this->_putBackBlocks( $text, 'literal', 'div' );
FulvioScapin - 02 Aug 2009
@FulvioScapin: I tried your patch and it does honor linefeeds and spaces, but HTML entities are shown as &entity;:
<-- at the beginning
two spaces here -->[ ]
looks like this in
<-- at the beginning
two spaces here -->[ ]
Note the additional linefeed at the beginning. Is this OK?
Plus, the PRE box is rendered 2 lines tall in Firefox 3.5, but that happened before your patch.
ArielCornejo - 11 Sep 2009
This works on trunk, except that TMCE itself eats the newline after the
tag, so
However, the presentation is the same before and after removal of the newline so I do not think that is a problem.
I have added unit tests to ensure that this stays fixed. Changing state to "waiting for release". (If you disagree, please change it back
MichaelTempest - 13 Jun 2010