Item6089: backslash at end of line inside verbatim and pre being used as line continuation
Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In: 1.0.0
Target Release: patch
Applies To: Engine
TWiki:Main/StanSwiercz - 21 Oct 2008
We are just setting up our new wiki and when entering script code that has backslashes we found that things were going amiss.
For example if we add the following using raw edit:
line 1\
line 2\
line 3
line 4 \
line 5 \
line 6
It displays properly:
line 1\
line 2\
line 3
line 4 \
line 5 \
line 6
But if we then use "edit" instead of "raw edit" the backslashes are interpreted as line continuations and we end up with
line 1 line 2 line 3
line 4 line 5 line 6
Backslashes should be not interpreted inside a verbatim or a pre.
you should use the sticky tag to prevent the WYSIWYG editor to change it.
TWiki:Main.OlivierRaginel - 21 Oct 2008
If you mean
line 1 \
line 2 \
line 3
the backslashes are removed if "edit" is used, after a save and then "raw edit" I see
line 1 line 2 line 3
TWiki:Main.StanSwiercz - 22 Oct 2008
Sorry but the sticky's and verbatim were eaten I have placed a sticky tag followed by a verbatim tag then the 3 lines and then a close verbatim tag and close sticky tag.
TWiki:Main.StanSwiercz - 22 Oct 2008
'twas a bug.
Fixed in trunk and release branch.
CrawfordCurrie - 22 Oct 2008
Fixed the unit tests
CrawfordCurrie - 27 Oct 2008