You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item729 (13 Feb 2006, CrawfordCurrie)Edit Attach

Is it the "Sandbox Web" or the "Sandbox web"?
"Backlinks in Main Web" or "Backlinks in Main web"?

Maybe its my English and I don't intuitively feel where to use "Web" and where "web".

-- AC

I suggest to use lower case in normal text, and capital in title text. Title text applies to breadcrumb and sidebar links.

-- PTh

Undeferred, post Dakar CC

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Copy: use consistently either 'Web' or 'web'
ReportedBy ArthurClemens
SVN Range
AppliesTo Engine
Priority Enhancement
CurrentState New
TargetRelease major
Topic revision: r6 - 13 Feb 2006, CrawfordCurrie
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