Item76: Make DefaultWeb not equal to UsersWebName
Priority: Enhancement
Current State: No Action Required
Released In:
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Engine
is used as the default web if none is provided (it's also used
as the first link in the default breadcrumbs, which is another problem). I would prefer to specify another web, as the current behavior encourages users to create content in the User's Web, which they really shouldn't.
So, may I suggest that a
be used instead? It could be set to
by default, to provide backwards compatibility.
DiabJerius - 04 Nov 2008
This has been proposed as a feature request:
CreateHomeWebConfigVar. That request has been accepted, so this will be implemented.
KoenMartens - 08 Nov 2008
CreateHomeWebConfigVar comments has shown that the 14-day acceptance was for another proposal than what is developed to be and that there are at least 4 opinions that are very different how to implement anything related.
I just added the conclusion to the proposal topic that we should go back to the very original proposal that was raised that only adds a config var so you can separate users web and the default web. This is also what this bug item asked for.
I am setting this to No Action. It can be flipped back when there is a new decision on
KennethLavrsen - 09 May 2009