Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Closed
Released In: n/a
Target Release:
MichaelDaum - 19 Feb 2009
Question to
I have updated the plugin. It does what the title of this task says. It adds
classes to alternating rows in the table.
In the process of testing I found a few other minor oddities:
1. the html generated was not proper XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Some of the closing tags were inserted in the wrong order. I believe I fixed that. All examples on the
MediaWikiTablePlugin page now produce valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional.
2. The examples on the
MediaWikiTablePlugin are not perfect. they show: < instead of < etc. They show broken lines where the line cannot be broken.
My question: Should I just go ahead and check all my fixes in?
Or should I post my code to you so you can verify?
Let me know which way to go.
BramVanOosterhout - 28 Feb 2009
Hi Bram. Just check in your code and I will have a look at it and then build a new release. Thanks so much.
MichaelDaum - 28 Feb 2009
root@jeeves:/home/bram/foswiki/MediaWikiTablePlugin# svn commit -m "Item8062: added oddrow, evenrow class
and fixed w3c guideline issues"
Authentication realm: <> Subversion repository
Password for 'root':
Authentication realm: <> Subversion repository
Username: BramVanOosterhout
Password for 'BramVanOosterhout':
Sending data/System/MediaWikiTablePlugin.txt
Sending lib/Foswiki/Plugins/MediaWikiTablePlugin/
Transmitting file data ..
Committed revision 2914.
This the the first time I do this. I hope I did the right thing. Please check. Feedback welcome!
I did not change the status of this item.
BramVanOosterhout - 08 Mar 2009