Item8167: Adding Bold feature to ExplicitNumberingPlugin
Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Closed
Released In:
Target Release:
My users wanted a way of having the numbers in bold font, so I've added the following to this extension and it seems to work fine (may not be the best perl code, but hey!
wiki # diff -c
*** Fri May 29 16:57:07 2009
--- Wed Mar 4 02:20:40 2009
*** 23,29 ****
# =========================
use vars qw(
$web $topic $user $installWeb
! $debug $bold
use strict;
--- 23,29 ----
# =========================
use vars qw(
$web $topic $user $installWeb
! $debug
use strict;
*** 66,72 ****
$debug = Foswiki::Func::getPreferencesFlag("EXPLICITNUMBERINGPLUGIN_DEBUG");
- $bold = Foswiki::Func::getPreferencesFlag("EXPLICITNUMBERINGPLUGIN_BOLD");
# Plugin correctly initialized
##Foswiki::Func::writeDebug( "- Foswiki::Plugins::${pluginName}::initPlugin( $web.$topic ) is OK" ) if $debug;
--- 66,71 ----
*** 181,190 ****
- # do we want it bold or not?
- if ( $bold ) {
- $text =~ (s/$text/\*$text\*/) ;
- }
return $text;
--- 180,185 ----
I don't know how to get this into the code tree (or use SVN), so I'm putting it here - hope that's okay.
SallyHoughton - 29 May 2009
i would be happy to patch
ExplicitNumberingPlugin for you, but this submitted patch needs a few more things:
- an update to
with some documentation on the new flag
- an update to
with updated history (the table at the end of the topic)
- (your patch is backwards; reverse your arguments to
after you have made these changes, please set this item to "Waiting For Feedback" and "Main.WillNorris" and i will promptly apply an updated patch. Thank you.
WillNorris - 31 May 2009
Hi Will, thanks for that -- here are the few more things;
1 & 2. patch to
fnet-rio1 # diff -c ExplicitNumberingPlugin.txt.orig ExplicitNumberingPlugin.txt
*** ExplicitNumberingPlugin.txt.orig Wed Mar 4 02:20:40 2009
--- ExplicitNumberingPlugin.txt Thu Jun 4 11:51:26 2009
*** 1,4 ****
! %META:TOPICINFO{author="ProjectContributor" date="1234433463" format="1.1" reprev="1.2" version="1.2"}%
---+ <nop>%TOPIC%
Use the ==#<nop>#.==, ==#<nop>#..== _etc._ notation to insert outline numbering sequences (1, 1.1, 2, 2.1) in topic's text.
--- 1,4 ----
! %META:TOPICINFO{author="BaseUserMapping_333" date="1244112686" format="1.1" reprev="1.2" version="1.2"}%
---+ <nop>%TOPIC%
Use the ==#<nop>#.==, ==#<nop>#..== _etc._ notation to insert outline numbering sequences (1, 1.1, 2, 2.1) in topic's text.
*** 70,75 ****
--- 70,77 ----
* Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Use the ==#<nop>#.==, ==#<nop>#..== _etc._ notation to insert outline numbering sequences (1, 1.1, 2, 2.1) in topic's text. Support also numbered headings.
* Debug plugin: (See output in =data/debug.txt=)
* Set DEBUG = 0
+ * Bold font the numbering sequence
+ * Set BOLD = 0
---++ See also
The Foswiki:Extensions.TocPlugin provides a more complete table of contents and
*** 90,95 ****
--- 92,98 ----
| License: | GPL ([[][GNU General Public License]]) |
| Plugin Version: | 12 Feb 2009 |
| Change History: | <!-- versions below in reverse order --> |
+ | 4 Jun 2009: | Added a bold preference option; Foswikitask:8167 (Foswiki:Main.SallyHoughton) |
| 3 Mar 2009: | Exclude textareas from rendering to improve compatibility with EditChapterPlugin. Completed rename to Foswiki namespace (Foswiki:Main.GeorgeClark); Foswikitask:1038 |
| 12 Feb 2009: | Fixed regular expression to parse enumerated headings (Foswiki:Main.MichaelDaum); \
Added support for upper-case alphabetic enumerations (TWiki:Main.DarrenElkerton) |
3. patch to
diff -c
*** Wed Mar 4 02:20:40 2009
--- Fri May 29 17:26:56 2009
*** 23,29 ****
# =========================
use vars qw(
$web $topic $user $installWeb
! $debug
use strict;
--- 23,29 ----
# =========================
use vars qw(
$web $topic $user $installWeb
! $debug $bold
use strict;
*** 66,71 ****
--- 66,72 ----
$debug = Foswiki::Func::getPreferencesFlag("EXPLICITNUMBERINGPLUGIN_DEBUG");
+ $bold = Foswiki::Func::getPreferencesFlag("EXPLICITNUMBERINGPLUGIN_BOLD");
# Plugin correctly initialized
##Foswiki::Func::writeDebug( "- Foswiki::Plugins::${pluginName}::initPlugin( $web.$topic ) is OK" ) if $debug;
*** 180,185 ****
--- 181,190 ----
+ # do we want it bold or not?
+ if ( $bold ) {
+ $text =~ (s/$text/\*$text\*/) ;
+ }
return $text;
SallyHoughton - 04 Jun 2009
thanks, sally. patch applied and plugin re-releasedd.
WillNorris - 08 Jun 2009