Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
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Target Release: n/a
either move them to a
DocGraphicsPlugin so that themeing can be done by installing and enabling
FamFamFamContrib and its plugin
or better, make it parse a mapping topic - so that you can make famfam the default, but still hard request the icons from some other theme
I have a need for a famfamfam version - atm, i think i'll re-implement the TML handlers in a plugin and then we can see how things work.
SvenDowideit - 21 Jan 2009
Would this allow one to plugin any kind of iconset as replacement or is it just a change from DocGraphics to FamFamFam?
CarloSchulz - 21 Jan 2009
ideally and in the end, we want it to allow the definition of any iconset theme, but right now, I need a famfam set yesterday - so it depends on how fast i can wak something together, and how reusable it turns out
SvenDowideit - 21 Jan 2009