Item8573: Fix TwistyPlugin dependencies
Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In: 1.1.0
Target Release: minor
WillNorris - 19 Feb 2010
No No No.
TwistyPlugin is a default plugin and we cannot set it depending on Dojo. You even did this in Release branch
I will revert this
KennethLavrsen - 23 Feb 2010
No way a default plugin can be made depending on another plugin that is not a default
NEVER ever add a dependency to a default plugin that is not a default
The consequence is that when someone updates Twisty and never intend to use Dojo they get Dojo installed against their will and that is a big monster to get forced upon you
There has been talks on trunk to add JQuery. But that has not happened yet so until this is done, it is also an unwanted dependency there.
It can be added to Twisty dependency in trunk IF and only IF
- It really is a dependency and not a nice to have
- JQuery is added to the core/lib/MANIFEST
- Dojo should never ever be a dependency
KennethLavrsen - 23 Feb 2010
fixed on trunk, for new version of
TwistyPlugin which is implemented using
WillNorris - 24 Aug 2010