Priority: Normal
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Some users were hit by a behavior of the WYSIWYG editor that puzzled them:
- type some text in the WYSIWYG editor:
Sandbox.TestTopic1 is the old one
- force a newline by Shift-Return
- type a WikiWord the optionally some text, e.g:
Sandbox.TestTopic2 is the new one
- save
The wikiword is not expansed, because it is right besides the
<br />
breakline tag, e.g:
TestTopic1 is the old one
Sandbox.TestTopic2 is the new one
I do not know what could be the general solution for this. And I guess it can happen with many more tags than just BR.
A proposed fix is to make TinyMCE insert on Shift-Return a BR tag + a space after the BR, instead of just BR like
"<br /> "
It seems to work well, and survives subsequent edit/save cycles.
ColasNahaboo - 09 Mar 2010
Raising this to Normal because it's annoying. Needs a developer to care.
CrawfordCurrie - 19 Feb 2015
On review, this is not annoying. Shift+return has a specific interpretation i.e. inserting a linebreak. The plugin is accurately reflecting that intent as best it can within the constrains of TML. Inserting a space would violate the WYSIWYG principle.
No action.
Main.CrawfordCurrie - 28 Mar 2017 - 09:12