Item8757: Modify Extensions.LocalTimePlugin to work with mod_perl2
Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In:
Target Release: n/a
LocalTimePlugin relies on the Date::Handler CPAN module which in turn relies on the POSIX module which in turn relies on native c calls which in turn rely on environment variables to communicate timezone information.
Date::Handler uses
local $ENV{}
constructs to temporarily set the timezone to the requested value for the duration of a POSIX call. Unfortunately, under mod_perl 2,
is no longer tied to the underlying "c environment" so setting values in
doesn't change any values in the non-Perl environment seen by the POSIX calls which always see the original (server) timezone setting.
BryanThale - 23 Mar 2010
I have a patch for this working and am working on updating the macro and its documentation. How do you want to coordinate the update?
BryanThale - 23 Mar 2010
go for it
I am very thankful for your help - publish at Will (hehe)
SvenDowideit - 24 Mar 2010
LocalTimePlugin 1.1 build 7009 (2010-03-31) released.
BryanThale - 03 Apr 2010