Item9001: Change in All Webs SEARCH messes up
Priority: Normal
Current State: New
Released In:
Target Release: minor
Applies To: Web Site
Support.Question532 was raised with a summary containing <verbatim> and <pre> without any escapes. As a result the
SEARCH results were somewhat screwy.
I replied to the question and changed the summary to avert the immediate problem.
JulianLevens - 10 May 2010
What should be done here?
ArthurClemens - 10 May 2010
The 'Topic Title' in the form can be freely edited by any user who should not have to worry about what characters can and cannot be used.
SEARCH should be able to handle that. (Or the topic field should be saved already escaped?) On reflection the problem is really the somewhere in the Foswiki code rather than the web-site, unless it's just a missing parm to add to the
JulianLevens - 11 May 2010
If I understand you correctly, you are experiencing a bug where verbatim is used in a topic, and that topic's summary messes up a search results. Please confirm.
ArthurClemens - 12 May 2010
Arthur, sorry for the slow response.
No, it's a formfield that contains the verbatim and that messes up the search. See
QuestionForm where the first field had been populated with this infamous verbatim in Support.Question532
JulianLevens - 28 May 2010