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Item9106: Create NestedFormsPlugin

Priority: Enhancement
Current State: New
Released In:
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Extension
Component: NestedFormsPlugin
Reported By: PaulHarvey
Waiting For: Main.PaulHarvey
Last Change By: PaulHarvey
This is a messy, highly experimental plugin written for Foswiki 1.1. Hopefully attempting it will drive some feature requests for the next version of Foswiki that could enable a cleaner implementation.

It mostly adds new DataForms types -
  • dynamiclabel - which never stores a real value against a topic, but rather $formfield() and friends will display the result of a macro in the form definition, in both edit and view.
  • hasone - a placeholder for $formfield() and friends to render an external topic as if it was nested within the formfield, in both edit and view.
  • hasmany - a placeholder for $formfield() and friends to render a collection of external topics as if they were nested within the formfield, in both edit and view.
    • Supports two modes - 'normal' (line per formfield), and 'grid' - jqgrid tabular layout which allows re-arranging, hiding and re-sizing of columns.
  • topicref - comma separated list of Eg. Web.Topic or [[Web.Topic#Formfield]] references
    • Extended attributes specify the nature of the link, Eg. belongsto relationship

Because the wikiapp pattern being developed at TRIN relies heavily on DataForm topics; to avoid expensive frequent TML table parsing: On save, the *Form topic is parsed for its 7th "extended attributes column", and details of the form definition are cached into %META:% fields.

-- PaulHarvey - 05 Jun 2010

Topic revision: r1 - 06 Jun 2010, PaulHarvey
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