Priority: Enhancement
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
As documented,
control tags can be used to define which part of a topic gets published. These tags are shown in the topic when (before the topic is published). This is also documented ("=%STARTPUBLISH%= and
will be visible in the viewed topic, so you can easily see what will be published from the topic.") While this might be handy for people controlling the publishing process it's rather confusing for everyone else (i.e. the majority of our users). Would it be possible to enable the display of these tags only in a debugging mode?
MartinKaufmann - 07 Jun 2010
I suggest a
preference that defaults to 0 which, if set to a "true" value, hides the tags. An admin could set the preference to 1 in Main.SitePreferences and set it to 0 in his/her user topic.
MichaelTempest - 07 Jun 2010
Adding myself to the "waiting for" list because I care about what happens to this issue, too.
MichaelTempest - 26 Jun 2010
Sounds like a reasonable idea. Anyone with the time, please go ahead and implement it.
CrawfordCurrie - 02 Feb 2015
Removing myself from WaitingFor because I'm not going to do anything about this any time soon.
MichaelTempest - 29 Apr 2015
If you * Set STARTPUBLISH = nothing, then the tag will expand to whatever you define it as. That won't affect the publishing process, which processes START/STOP tags before it expands other macros.
Main.CrawfordCurrie - 24 Apr 2017 - 08:32