Item9198: Tables at top of document: unable to position cursor above
Priority: Low
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
We are now able to position the cursor below a table where the table is the very last element in the document; however we can still not get the cursor above a table when the table is the very first element in the document.
PaulHarvey - 25 Jun 2010
WysiwygPlugin inserts a <p>= tag with a special class at the front of the document if the very first element is a table (or the div that wraps a table, which comes to the same thing). See
distro:227986fa6ffd. What remains is to do something similar when inserting a table at the start of a document using TMCE.
MichaelTempest - 25 Jun 2010
The plan with this task then will be to work on the
TMCE plugin
PaulHarvey - 25 Jun 2010
This appears to be fixed in the release11 branch. I cannot recreate it on firefox anyway. Can we No-action this one?
GeorgeClark - 13 Mar 2011
I'd like to leave it in my queue when I do some WYSIWYG work next month. I would like to test FF 3.0, 3.5, & 3.6. Lowering to low.
PaulHarvey - 14 Mar 2011
Cannot reproduce and no sign of any other work on it, so closing.
Main.CrawfordCurrie - 24 Mar 2017 - 15:44