You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item9219 (16 Mar 2011, GeorgeClark)Edit Attach

Item9219: Attach should allow site defaults for hide and create link properties of new attachments

Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Confirmed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Engine
Component: FoswikiUIUpload, FoswikiUsability, TWikiFeature
Reported By: TimotheLitt
Waiting For:
Last Change By: GeorgeClark
Once again, I think the title says it all. TWiki feature request with details is here and patch against TWiki 4.2.3 is here. The patch handles the pattern skin - others would need the corresponding change. Of course, skin experts might choose a different approach - this was easiest for me.


-- TimotheLitt - 28 Jun 2010

FYI, I added support for (TWiki) null & classic skins, but the others (and foswiki) will have to be done by the skin owners. It's not hard; I simply don't have the other skins nor the ability to test.

TWiki has decided to accept this proposal. Documentation for the preferences topic is in the discussion on the TWiki site; everything else is in the latest version of the patch file.

-- TimotheLitt - 30 Jun 2010

ItemTemplate edit

Summary Attach should allow site defaults for hide and create link properties of new attachments
ReportedBy TimotheLitt
Codebase trunk
SVN Range
AppliesTo Engine
Component FoswikiUIUpload, FoswikiUsability, TWikiFeature
Priority Enhancement
CurrentState Confirmed
TargetRelease n/a
ReleasedIn n/a
Topic revision: r3 - 16 Mar 2011, GeorgeClark
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