Item9299: unable to read LocalSite.cfg on new Ubuntu install
Priority: Normal
Current State: New
Released In:
Target Release: n/a
There seems to be a bug in the debian package installer (for me anyway). I installed the Debian package on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS this week, and when I tried to go to my new Foswiki site, I got a read error for
LocalSite.cfg. I was able to fix this by adding a symbolic link in /var/lib/foswiki/lib to /etc/foswiki/LocalSite.cfg
As an aside, I find the documentation for the Debian install a bit confusing in that I'm not sure which parts of the standard installation guide apply and which don't. For example, should I run configure? And just not use it to install extensions? I'll take a look at it and see if it might be possible to clarify some things to make the first impression better.
Also, any updates on getting this into Debian's official archive would be appreciated. It certainly takes away from the user friendly install to have to add this to the sources list, and get a key or ignore security warnings. Making this package officially available would make a big difference for people using Ubuntu or other Debian-based distributions.
LeilaPearson - 10 Jul 2010
Debian is in code freeze, so I missed getting the trunk packages prepared for upload in time. We didn't have a project tarball either, so it was a pretty wide miss.
Easy configuration is still an area to work on. The intent is to not run configure at the CGI prompt. Debian would likely reject the package if that were the defaukt, as it is initially risky and needs intervention to tighten up.
I'll get it into unstable though, and from there into the new CUT testing releases and has the current packaging work. If you want to track new debs (for testing, not production), this apt repository is about an hour behind subversion when all is well with the deb build:
deb foswiki-trunk/latest main
DrakeDiedrich - 01 Sep 2010