Item9436: Problem to "allow" a pattern
Priority: Normal
Current State: New
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Target Release: n/a
I trying to allow some patterns and the plugin stop working, but when i set the column flag to "allowed" nothing works with other string works but only deny.
So i checked the code and i found that when the following regexp match all the rule parameters set to empty:
my $isAllowed = ($3 =~ /allowed/)?1:0;
I debug that thing and when i set the flag to empty a got the following rule:
found pattern='', error='', isAllowed=1
And when i set it to other thing:
found pattern='[^a-ZA-z0-9\.\/_]', error='Solo cada usuario puede modificar y crear su propio topic.', isAllowed=0
And the rule then is evaluated but just for deny.
so, i don't know what happend here.. i lost.. i going to try others ways to get that, but is some has any idea pleace.
JuanPabloGaviria - 04 Aug 2010