Priority: Normal
Current State: No Action Required
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Extension
Component: ZonePlugin
The completePageHandler doesn't remove <(nop|noautolink)> tags and as it is after the point where the core does this, these tags make it into the final output.
DavidPatterson - 11 Aug 2010
This affects the core implementation of
on trunk as well.
PaulHarvey - 11 Aug 2010
Really? I don't have a trunk checkout to test this but looking at the code, this shouldn't be the case. In writeCompletePage the removal of the nop/noautolink tags is done after the zones are rendered.
DavidPatterson - 11 Aug 2010
You are correct. My test must've been late at night where I used WYSIWYG which would have used
around nop/autolink.
PaulHarvey - 12 Aug 2010
Three experiments:
%RENDERZONE{"foo1" format="$item <nop> <noautolink>TestWord</noautolink>"}%
%ADDTOZONE{"foo1" text="foo"}%
%RENDERZONE{"foo2" format="<nop> <noautolink>$item</noautolink>"}%
%ADDTOZONE{"foo2" text="TestWord"}%
%RENDERZONE{"foo3" format="$item"}%
%ADDTOZONE{"foo3" text="<nop> <noautolink>TestWord</noautolink>"}%
All render as expected: no nop, no noautolink, no autolinking.
I can't confirm this bug. Seems fixed in the meantime?
MichaelDaum - 30 Sep 2010
Unable to reproduce with
ZonePlugin 2.1
PaulHarvey - 30 Sep 2010