Priority: Enhancement
Current State: No Action Required
Released In:
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Engine
Why do data forms need to be enabled in a web's preferences?
ArthurClemens - 01 Feb 2009
I suspect this should get a feature req - how do we detect that a topic is a form definition - the web preferences list is used to generate the bullet list to add form..
this is an example of a 'topic type' as discussed many years ago.
SvenDowideit - 01 May 2009
A feature request topic should be raised if we want to go along with this
KennethLavrsen - 16 Jun 2009
I sometimes have a DataForms in a web, which are disabled or otherwise currently not used. I dont want to irritate users with those forms. If we enable them by default, we need a method to disable them on demand.
OliverKrueger - 17 Jun 2009
The solution obviously is not so simple. It should be more like a web configuration dashboard. Dropping as task.
ArthurClemens - 24 Aug 2009