Item9552: Is not posible to edit the persmissions table usign the %WEBPERMISSIONS% with shorter ruls in the http server configuration
Priority: Normal
Current State: New
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Target Release: n/a
I just installed a new foswiki-1.0.9(2 hours ago) in my local pc for make some test, My first test was to tryout the
WebPermissionsPlugin. So i installed the plugn thought the configure utility(i think this plugin version info
7708 (2010-06-09)).
I actived the plugin in the configure, and then i created a topic in sandbox to test it.
I wrote in the topic text:
afert i saved the topic the permissions table appers, and show me the view and the edit permissions. But when i click the "edit" buton, nothings happend, the action only redirectme to the sametopic but with the anchor #webpermissions_matrix.
So, i check the open task and no task like this one. then i check the code and i solve the first problem.
I just change the method of the action form, from POST, to GET, and the edit buton works fine:
--- 2010-08-24 23:46:10.000000000 -0500
+++ 2010-08-24 23:46:39.000000000 -0500
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ sub WEBPERMISSIONS {
$tab .= "Cannot edit: $reason";
- my $page = CGI::start_form( -method => 'POST', -action => $action );
+ my $page = CGI::start_form( -method => 'GET', -action => $action );
# Anchor for jumping back to
$page .= CGI::a( { name => 'webpermissions_matrix' } );
# Note: use CGI::input rather than CGI::hidden below because CGI::hidden
But the SAVE action of the permissions table stop working because of the get method. then i try tampering the post, and i found that the form that is rendered by the plugin, render with action="http://localhost/foswiki/bin/view/Sandbox/TestTopic0" and my httpd-foswiki.conf redirect that request(.../bin/view/... to .../... ) to
http://localhost/foswiki/Sandbox/TestTopic0 and the first POST the became(302) a GET to the new url and no input pass to the plugin to render the edit permissions table. I make the change(form:
foswiki/bin/view/Sandbox/TestTopic0 to:
foswiki/Sandbox/TestTopic0) with firebug and everything works.
i think the issue is in the line 47:
my $action = $query->param('web_permissions_action') || 'Display';
my $editing = $action eq 'Edit';
I add a debug line:
my $action = $query->param('web_permissions_action') || 'Display';
my $editing = $action eq 'Edit';
Foswiki::Func::writeDebug("the action is: $action");
And allways return "Display"(the default value for the web_permissions_action parameter).
I'm going to try to fix it, but please if you know how to solve this post it.
JuanPabloGaviria - 25 Aug 2010