You are here: Foswiki>Tasks Web>Item9872 (27 Aug 2012, GeorgeClark)Edit Attach

Item9872: need to improve the way we propagate store errors to the web ui

Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Confirmed
Released In: n/a
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Engine
Component: FoswikiStore
Reported By: SvenDowideit
Waiting For:
Last Change By: GeorgeClark
I was running an ap-tget upgrade while developing on mongodb, and as the mongod was taken down, I then got a very horrible stack dump on my save of a topic.

yes, its a bad system error, but does the user really want to see this?

-- SvenDowideit - 24 Oct 2010

COnverted to an enhancement and confirmed.

-- CrawfordCurrie - 16 Mar 2011

  • Attempt to edit on a read-only web directory, results in a hard fail due to unable to create the lease file. Should result in a more meaningful error message.
  • If the directory is writable, but the topic text is read-only, then Store goes ahead and updates anyway. (Maybe this should be a more urgent bug?)

-- GeorgeClark - 27 Aug 2012

ItemTemplate edit

Summary need to improve the way we propagate store errors to the web ui
ReportedBy SvenDowideit
Codebase trunk
SVN Range
AppliesTo Engine
Component FoswikiStore
Priority Enhancement
CurrentState Confirmed
TargetRelease n/a
ReleasedIn n/a
Topic revision: r4 - 27 Aug 2012, GeorgeClark
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