Feature Proposal: Reduce $dollardollar
Very hard to write nested searches, especially as they become deep
Description and Documentation
- $(1) for $dollar
- $(2) for $dollardollar
- $(n) for $dollardollar...dollar (i.e dollar n times)
- $(16) is the maximum
%SEARCH{ "culture" web="System" format=" * System.$topic is referenced by:$n * $percntSEARCH{ \"$topic\" web=\"System\" format=\"System.$dollartopic\" nosearch=\"on\" nototal=\"on\" separator=\", \" }$nop%" nosearch="on" nototal="on" }%
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Could become:
%SEARCH{ "culture" web="System"
nosearch="on" nototal="on"
format=" * System.$topic is referenced by:$n * \
$(1)percntSEARCH{ $(1)quot$topic$(1)quot web=$(1)quotSystem$(1)quot
nosearch=$(1)quoton$(1)quot nototal=$(1)quoton$(1)quot separator=$(1)quot, $(1)quot
)$(1)quot }$(1)percnt\
Not a great deal easier, but adding the next level, you get:
%SEARCH{ "culture" web="System"
nosearch="on" nototal="on"
format=" * System.$topic is referenced by:$n * \
$(1)percntSEARCH{ $(1)quot$topic$(1)quot web=$(1)quotSystem$(1)quot
nosearch=$(1)quoton$(1)quot nototal=$(1)quoton$(1)quot separator=$(1)quot, $(1)quot
in turn by (\
$(2)percntSEARCH{ $(2)quot$(1)topic$(2)quot web=$(2)quotSystem$(2)quot
nosearch=$(2)quoton$(2)quot nototal=$(2)quoton$(2)quot separator=$(2)quot, $(2)quot
$(2)quot }$(2)percnt\
)$(1)quot }$(1)percnt\
Notice that the next level is almost a repeat of the prior level and just increment the number.
A more extensive example comes from existing code on our TWiki site
* Local TERMS = type="regex" scope="text" nonoise="on" separator="$n"
* Local DO = %TERMS% search="META:FORM.*?name=\"TW4TeamForm\";META:TOPICPARENT.*?name=\"
* Local END = \""
* Local FORMAT = $topic $percntSEARCH{$quotMETA:FORM.*?name=.*?UserForm.;name=.TeamName.*?value=.$topic\"$quot $percntTERMS$percnt header=\"$n\" format=\" * icon:person $dollartopic $dollarformfield(Profession)\"}$percnt
%~~ SEARCH{%DO%%URLPARAM{"start" default="WebHome"}%%END%
~~~ format=" * %FORMAT%
*~~ $n$percntSEARCH{$percntDO$percnt$topic$percntEND$percnt
~~~ format=$quot * $percntFORMAT$percnt
*~~ $n$dollarpercntSEARCH{$dollarpercntDO$dollarpercnt$dollartopic$dollarpercntEND$dollarpercnt
~~~ format=$dollarquot * $dollarpercntFORMAT$dollarpercnt
*~~ $n$dollardollarpercntSEARCH{$dollardollarpercntDO$dollardollarpercnt$dollardollartopic$dollardollarpercntEND$dollardollarpercnt
~~~ format=$dollardollarquot * $dollardollarpercntFORMAT$dollardollarpercnt
*~~ $n$dollardollardollarpercntSEARCH{
*~~ $dollardollardollarpercntDO$dollardollardollarpercnt
*~~ $dollardollardollartopic$dollardollardollarpercntEND$dollardollardollarpercnt
~~~ format=$dollardollardollarquot * $dollardollardollarpercntFORMAT$dollardollardollarpercnt
*~~ $n$dollardollardollardollarpercntSEARCH{
*~~ $dollardollardollardollarpercntDO$dollardollardollardollarpercnt
*~~ $dollardollardollardollartopic$dollardollardollardollarpercntEND$dollardollardollardollarpercnt
~~~ format=$dollardollardollardollarquot * $dollardollardollardollarpercntFORMAT$dollardollardollardollarpercnt
*~~ $dollardollardollardollarquot
*~~ }$dollardollardollardollarpercnt
*~~ $dollardollardollarquot
*~~ }$dollardollardollarpercnt
*~~ $dollardollarquot
*~~ }$dollardollarpercnt
*~~ $dollarquot
*~~ }$dollarpercnt
*~~ $quot
*~~ }$percnt
*~~ "
~~~ }%
Becomes the much simpler (not tested):
* Local TERMS = type="regex" scope="text" nonoise="on" separator="$n"
* Local DO = %TERMS% search="META:FORM.*?name=\"TW4TeamForm\";META:TOPICPARENT.*?name=\"
* Local END = \""
* Local FORMAT = $topic $percntSEARCH{$quotMETA:FORM.*?name=.*?UserForm.;name=.TeamName.*?value=.$topic\"$quot $percntTERMS$percnt header=\"$n\" format=\" * icon:person $(1)topic $(1)formfield(Profession)\"}$percnt
%~~ SEARCH{%DO%%URLPARAM{"start" default="WebHome"}%%END%
~~~ format=" * %FORMAT%
*~~ $n$percntSEARCH{$percntDO$percnt$topic$percntEND$percnt
~~~ format=$quot * $percntFORMAT$percnt
*~~ $n$(1)percntSEARCH{$(1)percntDO$(1)percnt$(1)topic$(1)percntEND$(1)percnt
~~~ format=$(1)quot * $(1)percntFORMAT$(1)percnt
*~~ $n$(2)percntSEARCH{$(2)percntDO$(2)percnt$(2)topic$(2)percntEND$(2)percnt
~~~ format=$(2)quot * $(2)percntFORMAT$(2)percnt
*~~ $n$(3)percntSEARCH{$(3)percntDO$(3)percnt$(3)topic$(3)percntEND$(3)percnt
~~~ format=$(3)quot * $(3)percntFORMAT$(3)percnt
*~~ $n$(4)percntSEARCH{$(4)percntDO$(4)percnt$(4)topic$(4)percntEND$(4)percnt
~~~ format=$(4)quot * $(4)percntFORMAT$(4)percnt
*~~ $(4)quot
*~~ }$(4)percnt
*~~ $(3)quot
*~~ }$(3)percnt
*~~ $(2)quot
*~~ }$(2)percnt
*~~ $(1)quot
*~~ }$(1)percnt
*~~ $quot
*~~ }$percnt
*~~ "
~~~ }%
That's easier to follow. Note that there is no $dollar at all in this example. $(1) is the same as $dollar. Also note that $(1)dollar is equivalent to $(2) (or $dollardollar) etc
One line added to:
sub expandStandardEscapes {
my $text = shift;
# New line here:
$text =~ s/\$[(]([1-9]|[1][1-6])[)]/ '$' . ($1 == 1 ? '' : '(' . ($1 - 1) . ')' )/gose;
$text =~ s/\$n\(\)/\n/gos; # expand '$n()' to new line
$text =~ s/\$n([^$regex{mixedAlpha}]|$)/\n$1/gos; # expand '$n' to new line
$text =~ s/\$nop(\(\))?//gos; # remove filler, useful for nested search
$text =~ s/\$quot(\(\))?/\"/gos; # expand double quote
$text =~ s/\$percnt(\(\))?/\%/gos; # expand percent
$text =~ s/\$dollar(\(\))?/\$/gos; # expand dollar
return $text;
Contributors: JulianLevens - 13 Sep 2009
interesting idea..
now, I wonder if we can go another step further? - by adding a $nest() operator that then allows each nesting to be like a function call.
Originally I was thinking of doing this sort of thing using sectional includes, but that also goes a bit wonky
as a minor eg, I would write
* Local FORMAT = $topic $percntSEARCH{$quotMETA:FORM.*?name=.*?UserForm.;name=.TeamName.*?value=.$topic\"$quot $percntTERMS$percnt header=\"$n\" format=\" * icon:person $(1)topic $(1)formfield(Profession)\"}$percnt
%STARTSECTION{"format"}%%TNAME% %SEARCH{"META:FORM.*?name=.*?UserForm.;name=.TeamName.*?value=.%TNAME%\" %TERMS% header=\"$n\" format=\" * icon:person $topic $formfield(Profession)\"}%%ENDSECTION{"FORMAT"}%
and then use it by 'calling'
format="$percntINCLUDE{"%BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%" TNAME="$topic"}$percnt"
and the proposal I have on the table somewhere for the Format work I'm doing in trunk would look more like:
format="$include("%BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%" TNAME="$topic")"
basically, I prefer to use sectional includes so that I can re-use parts at different nesting levels.
SvenDowideit - 14 Sep 2009
While I approve wholeheartedly of what you are trying to do here, I can't help feeling there has to be a simpler way of expressing it. For example, if we had parameterisable macros, you might write (similar to Sven's transclusion approach):
* Local SUBSEARCH(a) = %SEARCH{ "%a%" web="System" format="System.$topic" nosearch="on" nototal="on" separator=", " }%
%SEARCH{ "culture" web="System" format=" * System.$topic is referenced by:$n * $percntSUBSEARCH{a=\"$topic\"}$percnt" nosearch="on" nototal="on" }%
Look, no $dollars. If we handled string escapes properly, this would reduce to:
* Local SUBSEARCH(a) = %SEARCH{ "%a%" web="System" format="System.$topic" nosearch="on" nototal="on" separator=", " }%
%SEARCH{ "culture" web="System" format=" * System.$topic is referenced by:$n * \%SUBSEARCH{a=\"$topic\"}\%" nosearch="on" nototal="on" }%
Aside: Heaven forfend that we support both sexes of quote, which would allow us to reduce even further to:
* Local SUBSEARCH(a) = %SEARCH{ "%a%" web="System" format="System.$topic" nosearch="on" nototal="on" separator=", " }%
%SEARCH{ "culture" web="System" format=" * System.$topic is referenced by:$n * \%SUBSEARCH{a='$topic'}\%" nosearch="on" nototal="on" }%
CrawfordCurrie - 14 Sep 2009
Whenever possible organize your wiki apps into separate TopicFunctions where you keep reusable bits on topics of their own with their implementation in a %STARTINCLUDE%... %STOPINCLUDE% section. Sub searches are then called via $percntINCLUDE{\"RenderSubResults\" param1 param2 param3}$percnt. Use a more speaking name that reflects the intend of the called function. Keep escape levels to a max of two so that you will never see more complex expressions than $dollarpercent. Or the other way around: whenever you feel the need of a format string that has got a dollardollar in it then take this as an indicator for your application not being well-structured.
A best practice prototype is:
format="$percntINCLUDE{\"RenderResultItem\" ... }$percnt"
Move all complexity into
and proceed within there along the same lines. Use each TopicFunction to docu what it does.
MichaelDaum - 14 Sep 2009
Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into getting these alternatives working and understanding how it hangs together.
Initial thoughts are:
- The role-of thumb to consider $dollardollar in an application as one that needs redesign is probably valid. However, my second case scenario is a classic hierarchical search (to create an org-chart) as often required from SQL sometimes with special support in the SQL. I also know that Crystal reports has a feature just for this case. There is an alternative database design "Nested Sets", but that will not be easy to implement as DataForms and has other drawbacks.
- Pushing my code into a sub-topic is not necessarily a redesign. It's fine to choose that for design reasons, quite another because a limitation or your tool (more or less) forces you to.
- I am not desperate for this and if I can end with an easy to maintain alternative that's OK for the moment. I'm optimistic that other developments will eventually provide even better solutions - including performance.
- I could look at capturing the above into a NestedFormattedSearch topic if that makes sense.
- My code is explicitly limited to 5 levels, the alternatives look recursive but I believe end when a search returns no hits - and hence does not format another search. Just need to ensure that's right especially if I docu this.
JulianLevens - 14 Sep 2009
IRC, a user pointed out
PaulHarvey - 08 Jan 2010