Feature Proposal: EditChapter should always show body of a chapter, not just a title.


To provide a consistent user experience, where the editor always shows some body text.

Description and Documentation

In a typically outline formatted document, "EditChapter" plugin suddenly becomes "EditChapterTitleOnly".


 ---+ Section 1
 ---++ Section 1.1
 ---+++ Section 1.1.1
 This is some body text.
 ---+++ Section 1.1.2
 This is some body text.
 ---++ Section 1.2

  • If a user clicks on the headers for Section 1.1.1 or 1.1.2, the (useful) edit screen contains that section's body text.
  • On the other hand, click on the headers for Section 1 or 1.1 and the (relatively useless) edit screen contains only the one line of text with the section title. I think it's a reasonable expectation to see all the text "below" that point in the hierarchy, i.e., Sections 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 (but excluding Section 1.2).




There should probably be a setting to allow the "old" (current) rendering method, for those who prefer it.



I like it. Let's create a task for it and go ahead. Sean, are you able to try a patch?

Btw. EditChapterPlugin is not a core plugin. So we don't need to go through a full change proposal process. This is a very reasonable feature request. So let's just do it smile

-- MichaelDaum - 22 Dec 2009

> are you able to try a patch?

I kind of doubt it, your code is a bit too subtle for me. Especially the regular expression that is the work-horse for this. If can I add some annotation to it to help show where my difficulties are (starting at line 120 of /lib/Foswiki/Plugins/EditChapterPlugin/Core.pm):

# loop over all lines
  my $chapterNumber = 0;
  $text =~ s/
             (^)                                                            # $1: begin line
             (---+[\+#]{$this->{minDepth},$this->{maxDepth}}[0-9]*(?:!!)?)  # $2: ---+[\+#]{n,m}[0-9]*(?:!!)?
             ([^$this->{translationToken}\+#!].+?)                          # $3: ??
             ($)                                                            # $4: end of line
    $this->handleSection($web, $topic, \$chapterNumber, $3, $2, $4, $enabled)

Question about $2: Eventually I realized that [\+#] is for compatibility with Extensions.ExplicitNumberingPlugin, and (?:!!)? is for headings that are not to appear in the TOC. But what is [0-9]* for?

Q about $3: how does translationToken work? And how does this pattern increment $chapterNumber?

-- SeanMorgan - 24 Dec 2009
Topic revision: r3 - 24 Dec 2009, SeanMorgan
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