Feature Proposal: Viewfile could usefully support the Http GET "Range" header


When, for instance, a video file (eg .rm file) is attached, and referred to by a .ram file that includes a start time, most viewers will attempt to skip to the right place in the video by using the Range header in the HTTP request. This works fine without viewfile, but with viewfile, the Range header is ignored, leading to some viewers starting always from time=0, and others spending unnecessary time seeking through the data.

Description and Documentation

It would be very useful for lib/Foswiki/UI/Viewfile.pm to look for a Range header in the HTTP request, and if it exists, to produce appropriately selected output and return 206 instead of 200.





-- Contributors: PatrickGosling - 06 Oct 2009


What about "not redirecting" .ram files through viewfile? Well, this circumvents access policies...

-- OliverKrueger - 07 Oct 2009

I am parking this proposal since nobody seems to be working on carrying it forward. Please feel free to set this back to e.g. UnderInvestigation if you want to make this proposal happen.

-- JanKrueger - 22 Feb 2016

Topic revision: r3 - 22 Feb 2016, JanKrueger
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