This question about Issue in browser: Task filed

Edit Table Button not working in Internet Explorer

When I click the Edit Table button at the bottom of a table using the Edit Row Plugin in Internet Explorer, nothing happens. When I do the same thing in other browsers, the table goes into "edit" mode.

I think this is because of an IE issue where <button> tags are not functional within <a> tags.

Is there any way to fix this?

-- TylerMessenger - 22 Mar 2017

What version of IE are you running? We've stopped trying to support some of the quirks of the older releases.

-- GeorgeClark - 22 Mar 2017

I was having this issue in IE11.

-- TylerMessenger - 22 Mar 2017

Okay thanks. HTML5 and I guess IE 11 don't permit button elements nested inside of link elements. I've found a number of complaints posted about this behavior. I'm not sure what the best solution is. The responses seem to suggest either using a button with an onclick event handler, or styling the link with css to look like a button. In any event, this needs a task filed. Unfortunately I don't have a quick fix to suggest.

-- GeorgeClark - 23 Mar 2017

QuestionForm edit

Subject Issue in browser
Extension EditRowPlugin
Version Foswiki 2.0.1
Status Task filed
Related Topics Tasks.Item14349
Topic revision: r4 - 23 Mar 2017, GeorgeClark
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