This question about Configuration: Answered
404 response when I fetch anything
I'm doing a from-scratch Foswiki install for evaluation. I had it working as straight CGI (fairly easily really). Because of previous experience with Twiki performance, I wanted to upgrade the Foswiki installation to use mod_fcgid, so that the evaluation doesn't consist mostly of performance complaints. But I'm having some trouble getting the Fastcgi version to work.
It may be pertinent to mention that I've read about Fastcgi but never actually done anything with it before.
I'm running Centos 4.8 with Apache 2.0. I've installed mod_fcgid.
The foswiki is not running in a separate virtual server. I've edited the
ApacheConfigGenerator output to remove the virtual server wrapper (as I did for the straight CGI implementation). All files are in the same places they were for the straight CGI version.
I've also added a basic auth section that requires login via our LDAP server for all access (not just script access). This was working in the straight CGI version, so again I don't believe this is my problem with the Fastcgi version.
Is there anything to download and install? I can't find anything. I'm currently believing that just configuring things as instructed (plus loading the fcgid module) is all that's needed.
Is there supposed to be a file or directory foswiki.fcgi anywhere? It's referenced all over the alias and rewriterule directives, but nothing in the instructions suggests that I create it or populate it in any way. This is my primary candidate for "what I'm doing wrong", and I've read over the instructions multiple times looking for what I missed; haven't found it yet.
Oh, and I stopped and restarted apache after changing the config before running my tests.
Okay. So, now, I go to
http:://mywebserver.tld/foswiki/, and get a 404 error. The access log shows " - - [26/Dec/2009:23:43:11 -0600] "GET /foswiki/ HTTP/1.1" 404 1152". The error log shows nothing.
Again, I don't think this is relevant, and it worked for the straight CGI config -- but I'm actually accessing the web server through an SSH tunnel. I tell my browser "localhost:8888", and that's tunneled through to "localhost:80" on the web server. The fact that the access log shows my access attempts confirms that I'm getting to the right server. Access is allowed from localhost (in fact, from anywhere; this server is supposed to be accessible anywhere in the company, so I'm not using restrictions in the Apache config, but the firewall on the whole machine allows connections from inside the company only).
Here are some relevant bits of foswiki.conf as generated by the
Alias /foswiki/bin/configure "/var/www/foswiki/bin/configure"
Alias /foswiki/bin "/var/www/foswiki/bin/foswiki.fcgi"
Alias /foswiki/pub "/var/www/foswiki/pub"
Alias /foswiki/robots.txt "/var/www/foswiki/robots.txt"
RewriteEngine on
Alias /foswiki "/var/www/foswiki/bin/foswiki.fcgi"
RewriteRule ^/+foswiki/+bin/+view/+(.*) /foswiki/$1 [L,NE,R]
RewriteRule ^/+foswiki/+bin/+view$ /foswiki/ [L,NE,R]
Any help greatly appreciated!
DavidDyerBennet - 27 Dec 2009
Hi David,
In order to use FastCGI, you need to install
FastCGIEngineContrib. Since your apache is already configured, it should work as soon as the extension is installed.
GilmarSantosJr - 27 Dec 2009
Thanks, but I suspected this was the problem from the beginning, and as I said above, I can't find anything to download and install. I just read through the page on that extension very carefully, including looking at every single link, and I still can't find what to download and install.
DavidDyerBennet - 27 Dec 2009
The downloadable files are attached - you find them at the bottom of the screen.
ArthurClemens - 27 Dec 2009
Thanks! Got it, and (surprising, I presume, nobody), working fine. Thanks very much!
DavidDyerBennet - 28 Dec 2009