This question about Configuration: Answered
Using Native Search Contrib
We have installed the native search and the following works as expected for us
perl -i -l FoswikiNativeSearch Makefile.PL FoswikiNativeSearch.xs
However, I dont see anything in the configuration under "Store Settings", so I set
by hand using this vi editor. I also changed the
to run under speedy. I dont see any improvments in the search and its not obvious that the native serach is running.
How does the wiki use the this contrib and where can I see evidence of it being use?
Thanks in advance
The contrib slots in alongside the other search algorithms in lib/Foswiki/Store/SearchAlgorithms. You need to enable "expert" mode in
to see the option that allows you to change the search algorithm.
$Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{SearchAlgorithm} = 'Foswiki::Store::SearchAlgorithms::Native';
is the correct setting. How do you know it's used? Well, if searches in mod_perl suddenly start taking a fraction of the time they used to, then it's being used
CrawfordCurrie - 05 Feb 2009
Take a look at
ModPerlEngineContrib and
FastCGIEngineContrib. Personally I had some bad experiences with speedy.
It's worth to say that speedy (or any other persistent engine) doesn't lead to great performance improvements, since there are other bottlenecks.
GilmarSantosJr - 05 Feb 2009
@Gilmar, I humbly disagree. Using your
FastCGIEngineContrib eases the CPU load on the server a lot. The speedup is even perceivable by users. Ajax'ed
wiki applications are a lot snappier as the REST handlers don't need to be compiled on every UI click. The situation for wiki applications is
pretty different now as you can afford to use Foswiki as a web services backend more frequently as before. Doing the same on a legacy
CGI TWiki would never produce an acceptable UI ... and kill the server.
MichaelDaum - 06 Feb 2009
Sorry! Actually I wanted to say that speedy (or any other persistent engine) doesn't improve performance of the
action (I had this in mind but I didn't write completely
). To actions like
the difference is noticeable!
A persistent engine reduces the time of a
from 5s to 4.5s, so no noticeable improvement. But we're working to solve this and other bottlenecks
GilmarSantosJr - 06 Feb 2009