Item13608: Regression - jquery.wikiword does not transliterate unicode chars to ASCII.
Priority: Normal
Current State: Closed
Released In: 2.0.2
Target Release: patch
Applies To: Extension
Component: JQueryPlugin
Branches: master
Item13378 and
Item9955 removed this required feature, i.e. on Foswiki platforms that are not fully unicode-safe.
MichaelDaum - 04 Aug 2015
In case you want extend the table, here are the tables for most of languages.
Also, the approach isn't rules out many unicode chars, so, as alternative approach could be using this lib what allows build unicode filtering regexes (e.g. filter out any non-word chars) and after use the transmit-table created from the BMP-blocks (easy, could supply the table).
JozefMojzis - 05 Aug 2015
This might be of value for the regexes in
as well.
MichaelDaum - 05 Aug 2015
Note that the full mapping as in
JsTranslitTable is 100K minified ... vs 3K for a simple mapping.
MichaelDaum - 05 Aug 2015
therefore i'm not "cecking in" it. In case of the need, you could cherry pick what you want from the table.
JozefMojzis - 05 Aug 2015
I've separated out the original small downgrade map into a file of its own
and have the full one in some other
so that you can chose which one to use. Or maybe it makes sense to separate out all languages into individual downgrade maps. Most people are probably interested in "their" language and don't care about others. Then use a downgrade map according to the browser language? Hum.
MichaelDaum - 05 Aug 2015