Item1424: Foswiki is slower than TWiki 4.1 on the surface
Priority: Normal
Current State: No Action Required
Released In:
Target Release: n/a
Applies To: Engine
WE just migrated from TWiki 4.1 with its plain HTML-surface to Foswiki 1.0.4. I have been addressed by a couple of employees, that state, that the responsiveness of the system suffered. I did not do any tests yet, but it feels as if that was true. Any ideas, how that may come? Any ideas on what to do to improve the performance of the system?
Hi Martin,
Try foswiki with
FastCGI or
mod_perl. These environments are faster than plain CGI (if you
just migrated from T(m)Wiki 4.1, probably you're using plain CGI).
Crawford and Sven are working on stuff that will lead to better performance and I hope I'll join them soon.
GilmarSantosJr - 08 Apr 2009
Martin, Fowiki 1.0 is slower than TWiki 4.1 because TWiki 4.2 was slower than TWiki 4.1.
there is a lot of stuff in the pipeline, FSA being the first.
you are better off starting a support or development discussion (and grabbing appropriate texts from is advice there, too) to collect the knowledge.
WillNorris - 08 Apr 2009