Item310: Managing webs redesigned for better usability.
Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Closed
Released In: 1.0.7
Target Release: patch
Applies To: Engine
Let me call it a usability nightmare. Made it urgent because I can't stand this any longer.
MichaelDaum - 26 Nov 2008
In templating or the corresponding core routines?
OliverKrueger - 29 Nov 2008
This isn't ready to be a task; it hasn't been through the feature request process, has no committed developer, is insufficiently detailed for anyone to pick it up and just do it, and for sure should not be a release blocker.
Changed to Enhancement and set to waiting for a feature request I just opened.
Dunno why this isn't a task as this is just a plain todo like a normal programing improvement with the only difference that this is
no coding but creating the appropriate input form.
- Simple; the lack of detail in the report. Reports that are only useful to the reporter are useless to anyone else. If you were run over by a bus, no-one would be able to pick up the work. You were basically saying "this is a release blocker because I don't like it, but I'm not going to tell you why". Thank you for improving the report.
- Well, for most people it is obvious why the current ManagingWebs is bad simply because they feel pain. I could give you a detailed analysis of the causes but let me save this for later. Instead have a look at the proposed changes. I hope you will understand.
Anyway, I will bring it up in the
UserExperienceTaskTeam and discuss it with Carlo. Improving it should be straight forward, i.e. separating blabla into
a dedicated help section thus not being in the way when actually wanting create a new web.
There are a couple of similarly bad input forms e.g. for creating a new group. I consider these things a release blocker and thus upgrade this to urgent again.
See also
MichaelDaum - 30 Nov 2008
Improved report by proposing the redesign at
MichaelDaum - 01 Dec 2008
I agree that such proposal needs a feature proposal.
I just raised concern. But because I am against the proposal, but I am against the part where half the form is hidden behind an non-obvious twisty. Without the hiding I am OK with the change.
This is in no way a release blocker. It is not even normal. It is an enhancement. Nothing in the current UI will prevent 1.0.0 from being released. We are on a feature freeze. Remember? Since this is a docu change and not code change I will allow it for 1.0.0 but I will not allow it to block a release.
KennethLavrsen - 01 Dec 2008
A fucked up usability is a similar sever issue for software like fucked up code: people can't use the product. So we
should start treating userinterfaces with the same care.
MichaelDaum - 01 Dec 2008
To me the topic is a misnomer, because you cannot manage webs, only create new webs. I would expect an overview of all webs with the option to rename or delete directly. And add a web of course.
ArthurClemens - 05 Dec 2008
Re-added the feature proposal to the "Waiting for" field. You should not have a task in "Waiting for" state without saying what it is waiting for. If the link to that topic is meant to be broken, please change the state to a non"waiting" state.
CrawfordCurrie - 06 Dec 2008
ArthurClemens - 01 Sep 2009
A couple of spacing tweaks.
ArthurClemens - 19 Sep 2009