Priority: Enhancement
Current State: Closed
Released In: 1.1.0
Target Release: minor
add a configuration variable so that users and admins can customise - in the process remove the
TinyMCEUsabilityUpgradePlugin specific hack.
SvenDowideit - 24 Jan 2010
sadly, if you set it to a plugin that isn't there, you get
There was a problem retrieving
http://localhost/trunk/bin/rest/WysiwygPlugin/tml2html: GENERAL 0
so i guess a little more checking would be nice :/
SvenDowideit - 24 Jan 2010
TinyMCEPlugin is an Extension and not Engine.
This is a new feature we want in the release note so it goes in
WaitingForRelease and not closed.
It is trunk only so it should not be marked for 1.0.10. Only 1.1.
The target release is minor and not n/a
Please try fill out the task items correctly so our release notes get accurate and we get the right feature list for 1.1
KennethLavrsen - 27 Jan 2010
This needs more work.
PaulHarvey - 05 Mar 2010
This got too much for an already-closed task. Continued at
PaulHarvey - 27 Jun 2010