Organization of the translation of the association articles

Status of translation

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  • bubble: Needs a translation
  • REFACTOR: Work in progress
  • DONE: Finished

Status Section Translator based on
DONE Clarification of Terminology OliverKrueger r33
DONE 1. Company Name, Registered Office, Financial Year OliverKrueger r33
DONE 2. Purpose of the Association OliverKrueger r33
DONE 3. Non-profit Association MartinSeibert r34
DONE 4. Types of Membership MartinSeibert r34
DONE 5. Membership Application and Maintenance of Status OliverKrueger r34
DONE 6. Membership Termination AndreUlrich r34
DONE 7. Financing of the Association AndreUlrich r34
DONE 8. Organs of the Association OliverKrueger r34
DONE 9. (1-4) General Assembly AndreUlrich r34
DONE 9. (5-7) General Assembly OliverKrueger r34
DONE 10. Duties of the General Assembly OliverKrueger r34
DONE 11. Board of Directors OliverKrueger r34
DONE 12. Internet Vote AndreUlrich r34
DONE 13. By-Laws OliverKrueger r34
DONE 14. Meeting Minutes OliverKrueger r34
DONE 15. Labour Agreements OliverKrueger r34
DONE 16. Liquidation of the Association OliverKrueger r34
DONE 17. Inception of the Articles of Association OliverKrueger r34


Sitz des Vereins

I changed the city, where the association is based from "Hannover" to "CITY" / "ORT". That should be something, that we decide with all members. Or did I miss something here? -- MartinSeibert - 17 May 2009

I think, that should be decided by the person who actually bring the documents to the (registration) court. -- OliverKrueger - 17 May 2009

The idea is, that you have a lot of people around in the north that could go to the authorities especially during the founding process. There are Carlo and Michael in Hamburg as well as Oliver, Sven, André and Jens in Hannover. -- JensHansen - 17 May 2009

Übersetzung Supporting Member

Ich habe mal "Passives Mitglied" durch Fördermitglied ersetzt. Ich glaube, das trifft es besser. Ausserdem klingt es positiver. wink -- OliverKrueger - 20 May 2009

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Topic revision: r13 - 24 May 2009, OliverKrueger
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