If you want to get in contact with the Foswiki Community you can either visit our
Live Support Channel, email to
foswiki-discuss@lists.foswiki.org mailinglist or just contact any individual community member. You will always get a friendly reply
or be rerouted to those people that best know the answer to your question.
If you prefer to speak to us in person, feel free contact
Michael Daum.
Contact Michael via
You can make Foswiki better!
We are a fresh, inspired and open group of people, that try to be as welcoming as possible for new community members. We are a small group. That is why the value to the project of your input and energy cannot be underestimated.
We need your expertise
We especially need:
How else can you help?
- Cheer us up with a short motivation mail - we are happy for every feedback!
- Spread the word: write e-mails and blog posts
- Or, if you are really keen, donate hardware, infrastructure, money to get us started
- Write a success story about your success with Foswiki and tell us about it.
- If you want to send us money, this is HowToDonate.
Where to start?
First introduce yourself...
Get to know us...
- Subscribe to our mailing list foswiki-discuss to introduce yourself to the others, and to know what goes on. This list is archived on n2.nabble.com.
- Join our daily conversations in our IRC channel
Do you like the way we work here?
- If you know where to start, join one of the TaskTeams
- If you are still looking around, or need some time, or don't want to tie yourself down just now, send us your name together with a line what you would like to do.
Would you like to offer help?
Send us an e-mail with a short statement, what you could do so we know you are interested in contributing to Foswiki. We will help you to get in touch ... great!
- They put their names in the web notify topics to receive mails with topic changes (Home, Community, Development, Extensions, Support, Tasks) or subscribe to our RSS-feeds (Home, Community, Development, Extensions, Support, Tasks).
- They talk to each other and help new users "live" on IRC. They look at our chats and stay in touch.
- They create new tasks about the software, the website, our marketing efforts and other todos.
- Perform community promotion work. Come on, it's easy and costs nothing but very little time.
- Create a video on your extension or a basic Foswiki feature in your language and post it in our collection on FoswikiVideos.
As soon as you have accomplished your first results, we encourage you to
create a history of your community-work.