This survey has finished!
Please cast your votes
until next Tuesday, 2008-11-18 - 18:00 GMT.
The results will be presented as soon as possible the following days.
The results are online at
Who is allowed to vote? If you can read this then you are authorized to participate.
It is often the name of a product that will make people interested in the product,
or at least interested in asking questions about it.
We would like to give this project the best name possible.
Thank you for taking the time to answer this short survey and contribute to finding the most attractive name!
Thanks goes to
DianeChayer help out to nail down this questionnaire. Thanks to Stephan Chrzescinski for his professional help on developing
a list of candidate names.
Related topics:
The Candidates:
cocomint - cooperate, communicate, cool, green, good associations
contutto - all together, everybody's content, musical, working and playing as one, scope for derivatives (allegro con tutto, con brio etc)
coolabora - cool, cooperate, team work, collaborate
foswiki - free open source wiki
lewiki - french for thewiki (which would have been a great name)
librett - libre, free, library, libretto (the words to an opera)
powerpaper - augmented paper
powowiki - pronounced "power wiki", a pow-wow is a meeting, water-cooler pow-wow, power, wow
youdit - you edit, web20, female, you did it, proud
Some advice. Please take your time to read each individual name. Maybe take out a white sheet of paper
and write down each name in isolation. Remember
that there is no name that can't be argued against. So don't tackle this task with too much
criticism. Take the most positive stance possible for you. Thanks.
---+ Your results on the survey "%SURVEYNAME%"
<form enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" name="mailform" action="%SCRIPTURL{sendemail}%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="to" value="%MAILTO%" />
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<input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Suvrey '%SURVEYNAME%': <nop>%WIKINAME%" />
<input type="hidden" name="errorsection" value="error" />
<input type="hidden" name="successsection" value="thanks" />
<textarea name="body" style="display:none">
%FORMATLIST{"%CANDIDATES%" format="$1=$percntURLPARAM{\"q1_$1\"}$percnt"}%
%FORMATLIST{"%CANDIDATES%" format="$1=$percntURLPARAM{\"q2_$1\"}$percnt"}%
%FORMATLIST{"%CANDIDATES%" format="$1=$percntURLPARAM{\"q3_$1\"}$percnt"}%
%FORMATLIST{"%CANDIDATES%" format="$1=$percntURLPARAM{\"q4_$1\"}$percnt"}%
%FORMATLIST{"%CANDIDATES%" format="$1=$percntURLPARAM{\"q5_$1\"}$percnt"}%
%FORMATLIST{"%CANDIDATES%" format="$1=$percntURLPARAM{\"q6_$1\"}$percnt"}%
<div class="twikiFormSteps">
---++ Please check once again before submitting.
<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ 1. Please indicate your first impression of each name.
~~~ format=" * $1: $percntURLPARAM{\"q1_$1\"}$percnt"
~~~ separator="$n"
~~~ }%
<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ 2. How would you evaluate each name based on its compatibility with the concept?
~~~ format=" * $1: $percntURLPARAM{\"q2_$1\"}$percnt"
~~~ separator="$n"
~~~ }%
<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ 3. How would you evaluate each name based on how its ability to represent a product that is better than the original TWiki?
~~~ format=" * $1: $percntURLPARAM{\"q3_$1\"}$percnt"
~~~ separator="$n"
~~~ }%
<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ 4. How would you evaluate each name based on its suitability for professional customers?
~~~ format=" * $1: $percntURLPARAM{\"q4_$1\"}$percnt"
~~~ separator="$n"
~~~ }%
<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ 5. How would you evaluate each name based on its ability to represent an innovative product ?
~~~ format=" * $1: $percntURLPARAM{\"q5_$1\"}$percnt"
~~~ separator="$n"
~~~ }%
<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ 6. How would you evaluate each name based on its ability to represent a product that is a leader in its area ?
~~~ format=" * $1: $percntURLPARAM{\"q6_$1\"}$percnt"
~~~ separator="$n"
~~~ }%
<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ 7. What name is your preferred name for this product?
<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ 8. Why is this your preferred name?
<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ 9. What would be your second choice?
<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ 10. What name is your least preferred name?
<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ 11. Why is that name your least preferred?
<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ 12. Do you have any other comments?
<div class="twikiFormStep">
---+++ Personal information
<div class="twikiFormDescription">
Will be kept confidential. This is just used to eliminate double submissions.
<div class="twikiFormStep">
<div class="twikiFormStep">
*Email*: %URLPARAM{"emails"}%
<div class="twikiFormStep">
*Date*: %GMTIME%
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---+ Survey: "%SURVEYNAME%"
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---+ Survey: "%SURVEYNAME%"
<div class="twikiFormSteps">
<div class="twikiFormStep">
<h2>Thank you participating on this questionnaire.</h2>
We will process your submission as soon as possible.<br />
Regards, your nextwiki team.
<div class="twikiFormStep">
<input type="submit" value="OK" class="twikiSubmit" />
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