Foswiki Camp 2014

Please discuss the Foswiki Camp at * FoswikiCamp2014Discussion*

Google Hangout here !!!

Date & Place

Date Thursday 13th to Saturday 15th March 2014
Address TW4, Kabelweg 73, 1014 BA Amsterdam, Netherlands +31 20 487 4100 Amsterdam, Netherlands
( how to get there)
You can participate remotely via IRC, maybe conference call and other media.


Please register to make planning easier. Registration is mandatory. The access to the building is restricted. You need to register to get in. (We will prepare a visitor badge for you and will pick you up at the entrance.)

There are only 15 places available at the Camp: first come first served so register early.

Car parking can be made available for the duration, so please indicate if you'll be bringing your car.

The Foswiki Association is able to pay travel costs, within reason, to anyone unable to come otherwise. Again please indicate if you have this requirement below.

Physical presence
Name Arrival Comment Accommodation Preferred sprint topic Willing to lead a sprint
JulianLevens I live here smile     Store and related things Yes, VersatileStore is close + a StoreToolsContrib which is also a store benchmarker and framework for creating new store tools
CrawfordCurrie Wednesday   Some boat in the Oosterdok Store Yes, working on DBIStoreContrib at the moment and learning, learning
MichaelDaum Wednesday night     Foswiki-1.2.0 Release, First-time Installer and Configure Interface No. I prefer working heads down in packs.
OliverKrueger Wednesday night   Hotel Nieuw Slotania    
KoenMartens 40 minute drive away can't not go if it's right around the corner! at home sysadmin if needed
SvenDowideit Subject to costs ok, so I'd need help with the airfares, so unlikely   new frontend work using html5 , Documentation re-write Yes, if its a entire group doc sprint
JanKrueger Wednesday late evening (together with StephanOsthold, MaikGlatki, OliverKamphausen)   Meininger Hotel Virtually anything that improves Foswiki maintainability and performance; improving the WikiApp development experience (alternative macro syntax, etc.) Yes
MaikGlatki   will fill in more details soon Hotel Interested in: Documentation, ActivityTracker, Automatic Installation/Configuration  
register by adding your name here          

Remote connections, video conferencing TBD

Remote presence
Name Arrival Comment Location/Timezone
SvenDowideit google meeting, skype I should do a demo of developing using smile Brisbane GMT+10
MarkusUeberall google meeting, skype Hopefully in time for the GA itself (Saturday?) "Berlin" GMT+1
LynnwoodBrown google meeting, skype   US - Eastern GMT-5
register by adding your name here      


General ideas on the "Camp" part can be discussed here: FoswikiCamp2014Discussion.

Note time zone is UTC+1.

The timing and detailed agenda for a possible "GA" is still to be agreed.

The social options are open to enhancement especially the Saturday, but it's good base at least.

08:00 Get-Together
10:00 Foswiki Camp
19:00 Social at the Ibis Hotel or go the Odeon ?
08:00 Foswiki Camp
19:00 Social at the Ibis Hotel?
08:00 Foswiki Camp
18:00 Social at the Ibis Hotel?


Ibis Hotel Within Walking Distance (500M) of Camp location Booking through the Ibis website may be cheaper than via hotel reservation services.


Train from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport to Amsterdam Sloterdijk, then Metro to Transformatorweg (one stop).


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BasicForm edit

TopicClassification CommunityMeetUps
Topic Summary Foswiki Camp 2014
Interested Parties
Related Topics FoswikiCamp
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
IMG_20140313_130210_1.jpgjpg IMG_20140313_130210_1.jpg manage 561 K 13 Mar 2014 - 12:27 MichaelDaum  
IMG_20140313_130305_1.jpgjpg IMG_20140313_130305_1.jpg manage 535 K 13 Mar 2014 - 12:28 MichaelDaum  
Topic revision: r40 - 17 Mar 2014, MichaelDaum
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