Resources for inspiration
Do we want to have a contest?
lets discuss...
I would like to see a logo contest. Its a good way to get the community engaged and interested.
AndrewJones, 19 November
Please outline the process and the rules of this contest first:
- who is managing the contest
- who is allowed to decide/vote
- how long does the contest allow new logo submissions, ...)
- what are the constraints for the logo
- ...
Mind you if we do it 100% democratically we might end up with the least common denominator being decided on after two years of discussion
MichaelDaum - 19 Nov 2008 - 21:03
"Please outline the process and the rules of this contest first:"
Erm, shouldn't we first agree if we want one?
CarloSchulz - 20 Nov 2008 - 07:53
MartinSeibert generously offered the services of a professional designer from within his organisation. I can only speak for myself when I say I don't want another competition right now. I have far more important things - like trying to create the first Foswiki code release - to worry about.
If anyone feels that they have excess energy, we could really use some help. See
Tasks.Item175 for an idea of the problem we are tackling.
CrawfordCurrie - 20 Nov 2008 - 08:29
I will not be available for a Logo contest and I will not have any of our people invest time in such a process either. I share Michaels opinion on how that might work out. But I was expecting a couple of us come up with some suggestions on logos. I do not have a problem with this. And I can also live with a logo contest. But in my opinion a logo of Foswiki is nothing random. You cannot come up with 20 logo-solutions, that all work for a way that we want to communicate and to be perceived. The first thing will be to define our values and USP, that we want to communicate.
I will talk to our Creative Director and outline a procedure, that we would suggest. I have no plans to be the fastest with that process, although I am fully aware, that we truly need good marketing. But I am convinced, that our people can only come up with really good results, if they understand how we work here. I have proved by my own actions, that this is different from our work at my company. I want our results to be perfect.
So, honestly, feel free to go ahead with a contest. I will start our work probably after that process then.
Besides that: I will not start our process, before there is a legitimate mandate from the community as Michael had it for the naming-process.
MartinSeibert - 20 Nov 2008 - 19:56
I just talked to
MichaelDaum over the phone and was curious, why nobody responded to my Topic
BrandLogo yet. He said, that what is said above might have sounded, like we did not want to take care of the logo generation. That is not the case. We still want to support that process. But we need a legitimate mandate for it.
To support this idea, please vote here.
MartinSeibert - 27 Nov 2008 - 17:46