Foswiki Videos

Foswiki Testimonials from community members

English Videos

Introduction video

MartinSeibert created a video for our homepage, that is attached to this wiki page (see at the bottom of this page). But the video was also uploaded to YouTube. Please watch and rate it. Thanks.

Foswiki is an enterprise collaboration and information sharing tool targeted for professional use in many types of companies: from small businesses to large organizations.

Foswiki tutorial on how to create, edit and control a new topic

In this short video tutorial you will learn how to create a new wiki page, edit it and control its changes on Foswiki.

Foswiki developers

Slideshow with pictures from the Foswiki developers. Taken at the summit in Berlin (Sep 2008).

Foswiki-Overview by Productbox

Ramp Up #12: Introducing Foswiki from Sean Tierney on Vimeo.

This video gives a brief introduction to the JumpBox for Foswiki. It covers creating a new user account and adding your first few wiki pages. It also shows how to do a file attachment and how to setup email notifications on page changes.

How to create a new user

Short introduction video on how to create a new wiki user in the corporate wiki Foswiki from Martin Seibert.

How to use the Excel2Table-Plugin to import data from Excel to Foswiki automatically

This is a short tutorial, that shows how you can export content from Microsoft Excel or Open Office into a Foswiki document. Read tables from Excel-Files and use the content for chart creation or other possibilities easily.

German Videos

Wie man ein neues Wiki-Topic anlegt

Eine kurze Einführung, wie man mit dem Firmenwiki Foswiki ein neues Dokument anlegt, editiert und wie die Revision funktioniert.

Wie man einen neuen Benutzer anlegt

Eine kurze Einführung darüber, wie man in Foswiki einen neuen Benutzer anlegt, der das Enterprise Wiki System nutzen soll.

Vortrag über Foswiki auf dem 11. Deutschen Perl-Workshop in Frankfurt am Main

Above you see part 1 of the video. Please see the second part and the third part directly on YouTube by clicking on the links.

Schutz einer HTML-Tabelle vor dem Rich-Text-Editor im Wiki

Wenn man im Wiki eine HTML-Tabelle benutzen möchte, um die Formatierung einer Portalseite durchzuführen, muss dem Wiki natürlich mitgeteilt werden, dass diese Tabelle nicht wie andere Tabellen behandelt werden soll. Andere Tabellen werden nämlich vom WYSIWYG-Editor immer in HTML und Wiki-Markup umgewandelt. Daher muss man diese Tabellen-Befehle mit dem Wiki-Befehl = und =


Video-Tutorial zu Datei-Anhängen in Foswiki und deren Versionierung

In diesem kurzen Video-Tutorial wird gezeigt, wie man im Firmenwiki Foswiki Dateien an Wiki-Dokumente anhängen kann und was passiert, wenn man neue Versionen einspielt.

Foswiki-Video-Tutorial: So erstellt man eine Dokumenten-Hierarchie / -Struktur

In diesem Video wird gezeigt, wie Dokumente Ober- und Untertopics haben und dadurch eine Baumstruktur bilden können.

Management-Dashboards im Intranet

Ein Video-Tutorial, das zeigt, wie man mit Hilfe des Chart-Plugins in Foswiki eine kleine Business Intelligence - Lösung etablieren kann.

Other languages

Perdorimi i Foswiki

Collection of general videos about wikis

See our collection of general videos about wikis

Help with your own video

If you are a Foswiki user already, we invite you to post your own video here. We need much more video content for newbies. And we need a much broader variety of languages. We recommend the following software for video creation:
  • Jing from Techsmith (free software with some limitations, Mac and Windows)
  • Camtasia Studio from Techsmith (commercial software, 299 USD, very powerful, Windows only)
  • ScreenFlow from Telestream (commercial software, 99 USD, Mac only)
This is what we ask you to do with your video:
  1. Post your video to YouTube and embed it on this page.
  2. For embedding please use the embed code, that is already used on this page and substitute the YouTube Video ID.
  3. Please upload a small version of your video as an attachment to this page to help others who might only want to have and "audio overlay" in their language.
Do not feel intimidated, that your video has to have a certain quality. We accept every submission, that is sincere and useful to help users to get a quick overview of the Foswiki software. Please join us and create a short video for the Foswiki community. For more information on helping Foswiki to thrive, please see HowYouCanHelp.

BasicForm edit

TopicClassification MarketingWork
Topic Summary Videos on Foswiki
Interested Parties MartinSeibert
Related Topics
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Foswiki-movie.m4vm4v Foswiki-movie.m4v manage 12 MB 12 Jan 2009 - 05:32 MartinSeibert Introduction video for Foswiki from MartinSeibert
foswiki-neues-topic-anlegen.movmov manage 52 MB 26 Feb 2009 - 20:32 MartinSeibert Video-Tutorial für das Anlegen und Editieren eines Topics in Foswiki
foswiki-user-anlegen.movmov manage 7 MB 20 Feb 2009 - 06:28 MartinSeibert Tutorial on how to create a new user on foswiki. (German)
foswiki-user-generation-small.movmov manage 4 MB 20 Feb 2009 - 06:26 MartinSeibert Tutorial on how to create a new user on foswiki.
Topic revision: r19 - 17 Dec 2011, AdrianoParracciani
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