Klingon translation
Yes - we are really serious with this. This will certainly only be considered as a joke by most users, but I am sure that foswiki will also benefit from the attention created by the media who enjoys jumping on things which are using Klingon. It may sound a little nerdy, but I think that's part of the job anyway, right? :-) The idea of translating foswiki into klingon came from my own wiki about the Klingon language (
http://klingonwiki.net) where some users have asked why there is no Klingon interface available.
case problem
The problem with Klingon in foswiki is the use of capital letters inside a word; the following phrase may create some unwanted links: "today emperor sleeps in his bed" =
DaHjaj QonDaqDaq Qong voDleH.
To avoid this, each word with major case letters must have a preceding
Klingon uses Apostrophes a lot. It's not unusual to see a phrase like De'wI' chu' De' vIlI'lI'qu'. When this is used inside a HTML string, it may cause problems. Therefore, all apostrophes must be escaped by writing them as
Translator notes
Since Klingon is a constructed language created for movies, there are several words that just do not exist, that means we do not know what they mean. It is not allowed to creat your own words, but sometimes the meaning of a word may be stretched. For instance, I have decided to use the word for "luggage" to display an "attachment", becaus there is no closer word, and the image may make it clear.
The only word breaking and rules of not-inventing is the one for wiki, because that one is used in ALL translations. It has been transliterated to
The table below may help to create consistency in the translations.
List of recurring Foswiki terms and technical terms