
Booking of membership fee intake

Membership fees usually reach the association via one of two channels:
  • bank account
  • paypal account

Incoming paypal notifications are sent to Treasurers should subscribe that list. Changes on the bank account do not trigger a notfication. Treasurers should keep an eye on that account from time to time.

Foswiki Booking System

Booking Entry

As a member of the AssociationBoardGroup you get a form to enter bookings on Community.Finance. The "To" field must be set to "Foswiki" in order to make the SEARCH magic work. The "From" field usually takes the WikiName of the member who paid the fee. The "Description" field should look like the other bookings of that type (something like "Membership Fee 20XX").

In case of a paypal money transfer paypal deducts a transfer fee from the original amount. Although members are asked to label money transfers as "gift" or "donation" so that they pay that fee, this feature is not avaible in every country. The Association accepts those reduced payments as full membership fees. The "Amount" field holds the final (reduced) number.

Balance Sheet update

The current Financial Statement needs to be updated (ie. FinancialStatement2014). The second tab holds the running total of each account (bank account, Paypal account, ...). Active Total and Liabilities Total should be equal after everything is updated.

List of active members

The table of Active Members on CurrentFoswikiMembers needs to be updated.

BasicForm edit

TopicClassification StandardProcedures
Topic Summary Booking of membership fee intake
Interested Parties AssociationBoardGroup
Related Topics Community.Finance
Topic revision: r1 - 19 Jun 2014, OliverKrueger
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