I. Call for Quorum
List of members attending the GA on IRC and Slack:
We have a quorum (seven of nine active members attending; no proxy representation). This is sufficient for article changes needing qualified majority.
II. Vote counter
KennethLavrsen was appointed by the GA as vote counter (unanimous vote).
III. New Members
IV. Changes to Association Articles
The following changes to Association Articles have been proposed:
All of the above changes were accepted by unanimous vote.
V. Election of board members
KennethLavrsen and
JulianLevens were standing down (as per accepted changes in §11.1).
Up for election were
MichaelDaum and
MarkusUeberall. All three were reelected by unanimous vote.
Old/new chairman:
LynnwoodBrown, new treasurer:
MarkusUeberall (as per decision of the new board members)
VI. Financial Audit
(Note: Previous treasurer
JulianLevens prepared
FinancialStatement2018 and provided access to all related statements to the auditors prior to this meeting.)
CrawfordCurrie and
GeorgeClark recommended exonerating
JulianLevens for 2018.
The GA accepted the accounting for 2018 (unanimous vote).
Election of auditor for 2019
KennethLavrsen was appointed as auditor by the GA (unanimous vote).
There have been no proposals regarding the
ByLaws this time.
VIII. Misc
The GA for next year is planned for
05-Jun-2020, 13:00 UTC.
AgendaSixthGeneralAssembly#GaDates for the reasoning behind the dates chosen.
IX. Closing
The assembly was closed by
LynnwoodBrown at 14:11 UTC.