

  • This page lists all wikis (and some not-quite-wikis) that operate in the same space as Foswiki.
  • We do not want to fight the others. We want to be transparent, learn from them and just be better. There is no grief or anger in our activities.
  • We do not blaspheme or gossip. Especially not about TWiki. We simply watch them and learn.

What you can do

  • Please help keep this page well factored by using the discussion page: WikiWatchTalk

Products being watched

  1. ConfluenceWatch
  2. MediaWikiWatch
  3. SharePointWatch
  4. TWikiWatch
  5. Community.XWiki

Products not yet watched

  1. SocialTextWatch
  2. MindtouchDekiWatch
  3. ClearSpace (
  4. TikiWikiWatch
  5. JSPWiki
  6. XWiki
  7. Mac OS X Wiki Server
  8. CubeTree ( - won Launch Pad Competition at Enterprise 2.0 Conference (

External analyses

magic quadrant 2007.png magic quadrant 2008.pnggartner-2009-magic-quadrant.png 2010-magic-quadrant.jpg


Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria (2008)

Inclusion in this Magic Quadrant is based on an assessment of the market presence and functional capabilities of any product that is generally available in this market as follows:

  • It is a product that is packaged, marketed and sold independently (that is, not offered as part of a bigger suite or offering).
  • The primary use of the product as advertised in marketing material and as demonstrated in actual use is for supporting general collaboration and social interaction; its use is not limited to a specific industry or business process (such as project management, learning or training).
  • There are at least 50,000 users (seats) in total in production, and at least three named customers, each with 1,000 or more users (seats).
  • It is a product with the following minimum functionality:
    • User management: ability to create, modify or retire user accounts.
    • User profiles: information about each user can be accessed by other users.
    • Roles and access control: support for multiple roles (for example, editor, facilitator, community manager or moderator) with associated access controls.
    • Configurable group, project, team or community areas: end users with the right permissions can create themed areas for a group, project, team or community.
    • Document sharing: ability to upload, store, organize and share documents.
    • Discussion forums: support for a persistent environment to post questions and answers or to have general discussions.
    • Blogs: end user instant publishing functionality that displays entries in reverse chronological order and permits comments from others.
    • Wikis: group authoring of collections of pages with support for "click-to-edit," change tracking and internal linking.

Criteria as of 2010 for MQ Internal Social Software

  • Provide four references organizations with at least 5,000 employees and be willing to talk to Gartner about the product
  • Focus on internal teams - as opposed to externally facing social software
  • General purpose - not for specific business processes or verticals
  • Market presence - at least 15 different customers, at least 100,000 active seats total across all customers

Required functions:

  • user management
  • user profiles
  • roles and access control
  • configurable group, project, team or community areas
  • document sharing
  • discussion forums
  • blogs
  • wikis

BasicForm edit

TopicClassification GatewayTopic
Topic Summary Lists all wikis (and some not-quite-wikis) that operate in the same space as we
Interested Parties
Related Topics
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
2009-magic-quadrant.pngpng 2009-magic-quadrant.png manage 50 K 07 Jan 2010 - 19:22 MichaelDaum Magic Quadrant for Social Software in the Workplace
2010-magic-quadrant.jpgjpg 2010-magic-quadrant.jpg manage 20 K 16 Dec 2010 - 10:36 MichaelDaum Magic Quadrant 2010 for Internal Social Software
GartnerMagicQuadrantForDummies.jpgjpg GartnerMagicQuadrantForDummies.jpg manage 59 K 23 Nov 2009 - 09:09 MichaelDaum  
gartner-2009-magic-quadrant.pngpng gartner-2009-magic-quadrant.png manage 50 K 07 Jan 2010 - 18:49 WillNorris  
magic_quadrant_2007.pngpng magic_quadrant_2007.png manage 85 K 24 Nov 2008 - 02:57 WillNorris  
magic_quadrant_2008.pngpng magic_quadrant_2008.png manage 91 K 24 Nov 2008 - 02:58 WillNorris  
Topic revision: r19 - 16 Dec 2010, MichaelDaum
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