
Month: Topic
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topic views:
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topic save and uploads:
Dec 2013 189245 221 0 3927 WebCreateNewTopic
2668 WebHome
1959 AllOutstandingEnhancements
1355 Item5669
1168 Item2493
1086 MyItems
1077 Item9214
942 Item10751
938 Item11521
812 AllOutStandingItems
479 WebChanges
 86 MichaelDaum
 73 GeorgeClark
 13 SatoshiYagi
  9 CrawfordCurrie
  8 GjFulk
  6 LynnwoodBrown
  4 MartinVonGagern
  4 PhilippGortan
  4 ChristianLudwig
  3 CarlThomas
  2 JulianLevens
Nov 2013 159566 305 1 6631 WebCreateNewTopic
2897 WebHome
919 MyItems
788 AllOutStandingItems
648 Item11035
507 AllOutstandingEnhancements
500 Item2493
491 WebChanges
371 RecentlyClosed
289 Item12318
235 ItemTemplate
119 MichaelDaum
110 GeorgeClark
 24 CrawfordCurrie
 11 GjFulk
  8 SvenDowideit
  7 CarlThomas
  7 DevinBougie
  3 JanKrueger
  3 FlorianSchlichting
  3 BeatDoebeli
  3 PhilippGortan
Oct 2013 160219 395 9 5560 WebCreateNewTopic
2692 WebHome
597 AllOutstandingEnhancements
533 AllOutStandingItems
518 Item11035
481 MyItems
305 ItemTemplate
292 WebChanges
278 Item11586
275 TasksByRelease
269 Item12318
150 GeorgeClark
149 MichaelDaum
 40 CrawfordCurrie
 19 TerjeNessAndersen
  8 JanKrueger
  7 JulianLevens
  6 OliverSchaub
  5 JohnHenning
  4 LynnwoodBrown
  3 VickiBrown
  3 RichMorin
Sep 2013 142155 79 1 3355 WebCreateNewTopic
2455 WebHome
633 AllOutstandingEnhancements
549 AllOutStandingItems
529 MyItems
309 Item9904
298 Item12318
271 Item212
269 WebChanges
261 Item11516
232 Item11776
 29 MichaelDaum
 19 OliverSchaub
  6 JulianLevens
  6 ChristianKoehn
  5 RobertFelber
  4 CrawfordCurrie
  3 JasonYamadaHanff
  2 OlivierRaginel
  2 JoeMarandola
  2 LynnwoodBrown
  2 BillJones
Aug 2013 134591 107 4 3479 WebCreateNewTopic
2639 WebHome
472 MyItems
443 Item11516
361 AllOutstandingEnhancements
324 WebChanges
324 AllOutStandingItems
213 WebRss2
210 WebAtom2
206 Item9904
176 Item212
 64 MichaelDaum
 17 OliverSchaub
  7 CrawfordCurrie
  6 MarkusUeberall
  3 SvenDowideit
  3 GeorgeClark
  3 RichMorin
  2 CalebSG
  2 VickiBrown
  2 RobertFelber
  1 FlorianPribahsnik
Jul 2013 162117 114 3 6424 WebCreateNewTopic
3101 WebHome
1336 MyItems
796 Item11516
436 AllOutStandingItems
413 WebChanges
313 WebStatistics
290 Item9963
281 RecentlyClosed
267 ReleaseNormals
209 WebRss2
 67 MichaelDaum
 11 VickiBrown
  9 TerjeNessAndersen
  6 LynnwoodBrown
  5 PhilippGortan
  5 StudyEnglish2013
  4 CrawfordCurrie
  3 AntonioTerceiro
  2 BramVanOosterhout
  2 ChunHuang
  1 JulianLevens
Jun 2013 105351 83 0 3340 WebHome
2477 WebCreateNewTopic
770 Item11516
647 MyItems
446 Item9963
374 AllOutStandingItems
240 Item9331
218 WebRss2
212 Item12279
203 WebChanges
198 WebAtom2
 34 MichaelDaum
 22 TerjeNessAndersen
  9 JanKrueger
  8 SvenDowideit
  4 ChristophHandel
  1 OliverSchaub
  1 GeorgeClark
  1 FlorianPribahsnik
  1 CrawfordCurrie
  1 JamesWhitby
  1 PhilipEisenlohr
May 2013 146848 205 1 4846 WebCreateNewTopic
2075 WebHome
1211 Item11776
1130 Item11516
568 AllOutStandingItems
550 MyItems
494 Item9963
487 Item972
269 Item12279
244 WebChanges
241 WebRss2
132 MichaelDaum
 37 CrawfordCurrie
 21 PhilippLeufke
  6 LynnwoodBrown
  4 GeorgeClark
  2 JozefMojzis
  1 RaymondWesterik
  1 ColasNahaboo
  1 SvenDowideit
  1 RobertFelber
Apr 2013 171793 151 3 7389 WebCreateNewTopic
1715 Item11516
1455 WebHome
986 MyItems
933 WebChanges
784 AllOutStandingItems
334 Item9963
316 MyItemsQuery
281 Item12279
264 Item12466
246 WebAtom2
 36 MichaelDaum
 32 GeorgeClark
 22 CrawfordCurrie
 19 EnriqueCadalso
 15 TerjeNessAndersen
  7 MyqLarson
  6 JulianLevens
  6 LynnwoodBrown
  2 JoenioCosta
  1 JanKrueger
  1 DerekBush
Mar 2013 163288 261 0 12185 WebCreateNewTopic
1616 WebHome
535 Item11776
509 MyItems
477 WebChanges
406 Item11516
280 AllOutStandingItems
266 Item12279
239 WebAtom2
224 WebRss2
216 ItemTemplate
 71 MichaelDaum
 67 CrawfordCurrie
 42 GeorgeClark
 15 LynnwoodBrown
 11 RichMorin
  8 VickiBrown
  6 OliverSchaub
  5 JanKrueger
  5 PiotrRoszatycki
  4 MyqLarson
  4 PaulHarvey
Feb 2013 115986 225 4 16775 Item11776
4140 WebCreateNewTopic
1282 WebHome
476 WebChanges
430 MyItems
323 Item12279
307 AllOutStandingItems
209 Item11516
199 WebAtom2
197 WebRss2
169 ItemTemplate
 94 GeorgeClark
 57 MichaelDaum
 24 CrawfordCurrie
 16 BjoernKautler
  5 MatthiasWientapper
  5 MartinKaufmann
  4 SvenDowideit
  4 EdMcDonagh
  3 AndrewJones
  3 JanKrueger
  3 TimWest
Jan 2013 152169 328 6 9949 WebCreateNewTopic
2926 Item10901
1774 WebHome
1751 Item11776
1148 WebChanges
747 MyItems
563 Item12180
456 Item12279
399 AllOutStandingItems
345 Item12351
343 Item12310
133 GeorgeClark
 72 MichaelDaum
 35 TimotheLitt
 19 CrawfordCurrie
 13 KennethLavrsen
 10 MartinKaufmann
  7 JanKrueger
  6 OlivierRaginel
  5 PhilipEisenlohr
  5 ShaughanLavine
  5 OleVoip
Topic revision: r4865 - 01 Jan 2014, AdminUser
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