
Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Dec 2014 102733 718 6 4544 WebCreateNewTopic
2385 WebHome
2241 Item12868
1045 AllOutstandingEnhancements
771 TasksByRelease
481 Item8920
390 ItemTemplate
326 Item12444
307 Item12084
304 Item12057
302 WebChanges
410 GeorgeClark
199 MichaelDaum
 62 CrawfordCurrie
 19 JulianLevens
 10 VickiBrown
  5 FredTarbox
  4 LynnwoodBrown
  3 PetrJurasek
  2 JanKrueger
  2 SvenHess
  2 LucasNava
Nov 2014 190516 449 6 6841 WebCreateNewTopic
2446 WebHome
1193 AllOutstandingEnhancements
1042 WebNotify
875 AllOutStandingItems
843 TasksByRelease
674 WebStatistics
655 Item12290
631 Item8920
509 ItemsBlockingRelease
495 WebChanges
166 GeorgeClark
155 MichaelDaum
 39 CrawfordCurrie
 37 ChristophLarsen
 11 PascalSchuppli
  8 MarcKloter
  7 JulianLevens
  7 LynnwoodBrown
  5 RuwenReddig
  4 AlexanderSulfrian
  4 FredTarbox
Oct 2014 197895 118 1 6879 WebCreateNewTopic
2639 WebHome
1352 AllOutstandingEnhancements
1282 WebNotify
1218 Item8920
1071 TasksByRelease
852 Item12290
805 AllOutStandingItems
763 Item11148
750 WebStatistics
431 Item11532
 43 GeorgeClark
 27 MichaelDaum
 17 CrawfordCurrie
 11 SergioNogales
  4 ChristianLudwig
  3 BenjaminMartin
  3 RaymondLutz
  3 GuilainCabannes
  2 PetrJurasek
  2 LukasProkop
  1 DeanSpicer
Sep 2014 249564 156 0 10323 WebCreateNewTopic
2913 WebHome
1867 AllOutstandingEnhancements
1195 WebNotify
1005 AllOutStandingItems
994 TasksByRelease
903 Item8920
705 WebChanges
662 Item5669
661 WebStatistics
544 Item63
 87 MichaelDaum
 55 GeorgeClark
  7 CrawfordCurrie
  2 FlorianSchlichting
  1 TrialTest
  1 OliverSchaub
  1 AndreLichtsteiner
  1 DangloDershai
  1 RaymondLutz
Aug 2014 181675 199 1 7978 WebCreateNewTopic
2869 WebHome
2498 AllOutstandingEnhancements
1676 Item5669
860 TasksByRelease
344 WebChanges
306 WebNotify
254 ItemStatusQuery
254 Item187
250 Item11267
248 WebAtom2
105 MichaelDaum
 60 GeorgeClark
 15 CrawfordCurrie
  6 DavidTonhofer
  5 FelixFreiland
  3 KennethLavrsen
  2 FlorianSchlichting
  1 TerjeNessAndersen
  1 TrialTest
  1 WilliamMorgan
  1 WolfgangAlper
Jul 2014 226608 232 9 16050 WebCreateNewTopic
3796 WebHome
1701 AllOutstandingEnhancements
849 Item187
788 TasksByRelease
727 Item5669
603 WebStatistics
454 Item11532
301 AllOutStandingItems
288 WebTopicList
274 MyItems
 85 GeorgeClark
 70 MichaelDaum
 20 KennethLavrsen
 15 CrawfordCurrie
 14 FredTarbox
 10 KonradEichstaedt
  9 WolfgangAlper
  5 StephanOsthold
  4 MaikGlatki
  2 JulianLevens
  2 NathanJulian
Jun 2014 171739 407 6 8893 WebCreateNewTopic
2426 WebHome
1310 Item10905
1268 Item5327
900 Item9059
843 Item365
728 TasksByRelease
684 Item1701
658 Item10995
650 AllOutstandingEnhancements
403 Item187
212 GeorgeClark
 80 MichaelDaum
 62 JulianLevens
 21 CrawfordCurrie
 14 WolfgangAlper
  4 StephanOsthold
  4 ChristianKoehn
  3 MichaelLorenzen
  3 MichaelTempest
  2 MarcKloter
  2 MatthewGonter
May 2014 153901 534 0 7717 WebCreateNewTopic
2547 WebHome
1327 Item10905
857 Item5327
733 Item9059
730 Item10995
729 Item365
716 Item9214
590 AllOutstandingEnhancements
446 AllOutStandingItems
446 TasksByRelease
267 GeorgeClark
139 MichaelDaum
 53 CrawfordCurrie
 25 JohnHart
 10 VickiBrown
  8 LeilaPearson
  6 DavidAllen
  4 FlorianSchlichting
  3 CarlEastman
  3 AurelioAHeckert
  3 LynnwoodBrown
Apr 2014 149701 328 4 5653 WebCreateNewTopic
2991 WebHome
2014 WebChanges
1872 Item1701
1077 AllOutStandingItems
1052 Item9214
674 Item12518
539 Item1416
467 AllOutstandingEnhancements
457 Item12084
402 ItemsBlockingRelease
 92 GeorgeClark
 87 MichaelDaum
 45 CrawfordCurrie
 44 LeilaPearson
 34 VickiBrown
 11 DavidAllen
  6 SonjaWestfeld
  3 LloydParkes
  3 JanKrueger
  2 StephanOsthold
  2 ChristianKoehn
Mar 2014 190714 571 11 3880 WebCreateNewTopic
2515 WebHome
1216 Item9214
1184 Item10751
1129 Item11521
1094 AllOutStandingItems
774 WebChanges
773 AllOutstandingEnhancements
647 Item9693
450 ItemsBlockingRelease
425 RecentlyClosed
238 MichaelDaum
 84 GeorgeClark
 60 CrawfordCurrie
 51 VickiBrown
 24 LeilaPearson
 23 OliverKrueger
 17 StephanOsthold
 16 LynnwoodBrown
 12 JanKrueger
  9 JulianLevens
  6 AndreLichtsteiner
Feb 2014 199898 129 2 3023 WebCreateNewTopic
2206 WebHome
1474 AllOutstandingEnhancements
949 Item11776
881 Item10751
874 Item9214
833 Item11521
830 AllOutStandingItems
703 Item11586
677 WebChanges
438 Item9693
 58 MichaelDaum
 22 CrawfordCurrie
 12 VickiBrown
 11 PhilippGortan
  9 GeorgeClark
  7 JozefMojzis
  3 LynnwoodBrown
  2 AppsupportApa
  2 DanieleGondoni
  1 JulianLevens
  1 LieVen
Jan 2014 178286 338 12 4371 Item11285
2675 WebHome
2265 AllOutstandingEnhancements
2054 WebCreateNewTopic
1230 Item5669
1201 Item9214
1081 Item10751
1044 Item11521
974 Item11516
849 Item10545
753 AllOutStandingItems
183 MichaelDaum
 58 GeorgeClark
 27 LeilaPearson
 16 RichMorin
 14 VickiBrown
 13 JulianLevens
 11 RonnyLangrock
  7 JanKrueger
  4 StevenHill
  4 ZsoltBalog
  4 TimotheLitt
Topic revision: r7685 - 14 Jan 2016, AdminUser
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