Agenda Fourth General Assembly
See the
FourthGeneralAssemblyMinutes for the result.
Time and Place
The 4th General Assembly will be virtual, using telephone conferencing, IRC channel #foswiki-association on the freenode network or whatever other means are organised and tested between now and the Assembly.
If you cannot be present at the General Assembly you can still use proxy participation according to the articles.
Sunday the 2nd of December. 8pm GMT
Please add your name below, if you are interested in attending.
Current chairperson and Board
CrawfordCurrie is in the chair for this assembly, as Sven is standing down this cycle.
Minutes will be taken in
(Appoint minute taker)
I. Call for quorum
Please send an email to the board if you cannot make it to the Assembly. Each member present can represent up to two other members.
The following active members asks to be represented according to § 9.7 of the
II. Election of two vote counters
Please see
AssociationVoting for the different options regarding how to vote.
III. Induction of new members
As article 5 says that new members must be proposed by a member and supported by two additional existing members
At the day of the G.A. these are
(will be carried over from CurrentFoswikiMembers)
V. Election of the of the Board of Directors and substitute members
- We elect 2 board members this time.
Proposals for board members (if you do not accept, please use strike to remove yourself, so you don't get added again):
For votes about people the vote should be anonymous to the degree it is practical. We will repeat the method from last year and simply send the votes by email to the two vote counters.
VI. non-board Auditors
Financial Statement
OliverKrueger presents
Auditors report
ArthurClemens and/or
PadraigLennon gives their audit result
Acceptance of financial statement can happen by open vote (clap of hands is normal unless there is objections)
Election of two auditors for the next year
(the auditors have the duty to review the accounts when the financial year is over)
Election can happen by open vote (clap of hands is normal unless there is objections)
VII. Proposals received from the members for Bylaws
- Vote for each of the ByLaws suggested.
VIII. Review of current Task teams
current task teams with regards to their agenda and activities. Discussion on the need and/or effectiveness of a task team based organization of the Foswiki project.
New Proposals
Does the association want to support the offering of cloud hosting for Foswiki?
The board members have been approached by a cloud support company, and asked if the foundation would like to revenue share with them on their offering. We the community would provide support, and marketing.
Move foswiki development to git.
Many of the regular developers of foswiki have moved to using
. We would like to try a time based release schedule, and think that using git's much lighter branching will help the process. Additionally, we would like to discuss and decide if we should continue with the huge monolithic repository, or formally adopt the repo-per-module approach, and then tag and branch for releases.
so the 2 votes (after discussion
- shall we move to
with the master at
- shall we change the repository layout
- Note: CC believes this is a project matter, and a vote here is not binding on the Association.
- Sven: yup, but this allows us to vote quickly and decide