
21.+22- Nov 2009

First Day

09:00 - Welcome
09:15 - General Assembly Part 1
13:00 - Break / Lunch
14:00 - General Assembly Part 2
18:00 - End of the official part
19:00 - Social Event

Second Day

09:00 - Open Space
12:00 - Break / Lunch
13:00 - Open Space
17:00 - Closing


  1. Ingo Wolf
  2. Andre Lichtstein
  3. Eugen Mayer
  4. Arthur Clemens
  5. Sven Reher
  6. Crawfrod Currie
  7. Koen Martens
  8. Thomas P. Haeck
  9. Ingo Kappla
  10. Shawn Beasley
  11. Carlo Schulz
  12. Oliver Krüger
  13. Jens Hansen
  14. Michael Daum
  15. Kenneth Lavrsen
  16. Markus Überall
  17. Andre Ulrich
  18. Nynke Fokma
  19. Martin Seibert (10:50)

Remote participants:
  1. MTempest
  2. pharvey
  3. Lynnwood Brown
  4. Colas Nahboo
  5. Coria Xu
  6. Martin Rowe
  7. Sven Dowideit - part of the time

General Assembly Part 1

  • Discussion about papers, making clear everybody understands the key points
  • Quorums
  • When do members drop down from "active" state
  • collecting list of initial members: remote people needed - those present added to list passed around
  • remote participants enter the foswiki-summit irc channel
  • quorum reached

Initial seeding of members

Accepted members:
  1. AndreLichtsteiner
  2. AntonioTerceiro
  3. ArthurClemens
  4. CarloSchulz
  5. ColasNahaboo
  6. CoriaXu
  7. CrawfordCurrie
  8. DrakeDiedrich
  9. EugenMayer
  10. FranzJosefGigler
  11. GeorgeClark
  12. GuruprasadIyer
  13. IngoWolf
  14. KennethLavrsen
  15. KoenMartens
  16. LarsEik
  17. LynnwoodBrown
  18. MartinRowe
  19. MartinSeibert
  20. MichaelDaum
  21. MichaelTempest
  22. Nynke Fokma
  23. OlivierRaginel
  24. PadraigLennon
  25. PaulHarvey
  26. RaulFRodriguez
  27. RafaelAlvarez
  28. RaymondLutz
  29. ReinhardWeh
  30. RuiProcopio
  31. StephaneLenclud
  32. SvenDowideit
  33. Shawn Beasley
  34. ThomasPHaeck
  35. WillNorris
  36. Sue Blake (unixhag on irc)

Since this is the list from the protocol the extra topic CurrentFoswikiMembers has been created.

not associated to current members currently,

  1. DonWennick
  2. StefanPalm
  3. MartyBrandon
  4. JustinMeadows
  5. NathanDye

  • Discussion: how often are new members accepted:
    • Jens made a good point: no hurry to accept new members, you can still participate
    • Nynke: underlines importance of protection
    • Kenneth: concerned about time it needs to be approved
    • Conclusion: new members are approved at the beginning of a GA and then can vote for the rest of the process
  • The size of the association is another factor that protects it
  • Kenneth: voting rules might be changed later not to be taken over by 50 hard working/committed ibm committers
  • Jens: accepting members is an honor. it remains a soft decision
  • Michael: can be add a deadline before GAs for membership requests? on button pressed on next GA - informal process, ACTION: enhace user form on to capture two supporters
  • Crawford: ACTION - enhance association page to describe why to be come a member DONE

Vote on new members: 6 votes (einstimmig)

Election of board

All 5 members of the former board stepped back.

3 for 2 years, 2 for 1 year

Nominees Votes Term
Crawford Currie 26 2y
Kenneth Lavrsen 18 2y
Oliver Krüger 18 2y
Sven Dowideit 18 1y
Michael Daum 17 1y
Arthur Clemens 14  
Ingo Kappler 8  
Koen Martens 14  

  • Stepped back:
    1. Andre Ulrich
    2. Ingo Kappler
    3. Jens Hansen
    4. Markus Überall
    5. Oliver Krüger

Vote Counters:
  • Andre Lichsteiner
  • Markus Überall

Vote on destroying the online material:
  • concordantly accepted

Agenda for the first board meeting is at FoswikiBoardMeetings

Election of two auditors

Term 1 year

  • clarification of the role of an auditor

  • Koen Martens
  • Ingo Kappler

Accepted by vote concordantly by all participants


"Community members on acting on behalf of the community"

  • discussion and clarification
  • key point: "on behalf of the foswiki community" does not cover personal utterances on mailing list or irc.
  • examples: release notes, press release kind of official notes
  • release notes can be sent out without the board having to check
  • at the moment the proposed bylaws don't seem to be clear enuf. discussion is ongoing.

vote: "who agrees with it" 0 votes for, 3 undecided, rest against

  • rejected right now
  • decision: board will come up with a proposal and we will have an online vote later

Statements on behalf of employers

  • stating the obvious
  • wording not clear

vote: 3 undecided, 0 votes pro, rest against

Advertising for goods and services

  • discussion if this is over-regulating everyday business that works out quite fine without this bylaw
  • distinguishing socially accepted behavior versus explicit laws

vote: 4 pro, 8 against, 7 undecided

  • rejected

Official project sponsors

  • precondition is the previous proposal
  • does not make sense on its own

vote: 0 pro, 3 undecided, rest against

Privacy policy

  • impring (Impressum) legally required (i.e. in Germany)
  • an address has to be added, i.e. the location of the Foswiki Association e.V. address
  • question to vote on: do we need the privacy policy as part of the bylaws

vote: 0 pro, 2 undecided, rest against

  • the board will make sure that there is a privacy policy

Vote on forwarded motions

Use Of Domains

  • the given domains need to be protected. owned by Sven Reher, will be added to the list, maybe two or three more
  • domains should be owned by the Foswiki Association long term, right now they are held privately
  • question: should the Foswiki Association handed over the domains:

vote: 0 against, 1 undecided, rest pro

  • ACTION for board: There has to be a formal handover.


  • Foswiki registered trademark in US
  • decision: the board will contact Lynnwood
  • no vote needed during the GA

Association Membership Fee

  • Proposed annual fees, decided for one year
    EUR Votes
    10 13
    0 11

not decided: 1

  • decision: 10 EUR annual fee per member, decision reviewed next year

Proposal for task force reporting

  • have to decide on the task team process in the first place
  • is it overregulated

vote: 1 undecided, rest against

  • decision: rejected proposal

Planning And Ops Forum

  • ongoing discussion
  • needs a revisit of the task team process
  • this issue is not to be decided here, it needs a "task team" to explore it
  • idea good, details not clear

vote: 0 pro, rest against, 5 undecided

  • decision: rejected proposal

Off-track ideas

  • where does the money for domains etc come from?
  • is there a Three-Letters-Acronym-Company program sponsoring open source projects with an association - ACTION: Colas

IRC log

  • foswiki-summit.log: IRC log from #foswiki-summit during the Hannover summit, timestamps in UTC

BasicForm edit

TopicClassification CommunityMeetUps
Topic Summary
Interested Parties
Related Topics
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
foswiki-summit.loglog foswiki-summit.log manage 105 K 24 Nov 2009 - 19:38 KoenMartens IRC log from #foswiki-summit during the Hannover summit, timestamps in UTC
Topic revision: r6 - 01 Feb 2012, OliverKrueger
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