Seventh General Assembly Minutes

I. Call for quorum

LynnwoodBrown lead the assembly. An invitation with a preliminary agenda was sent to all members via email. Therefore this GA had a quorum. Quorum called at 11:00Z


The following active members asked to be represented according to § 9.7 of the AssociationArticles.
Active Member Represented by Scope
CrawfordCurrie MichaelDaum any business

II. Election of two vote counters

No counters were required as the election was uncontested.

III. Induction of new members

No new members were introduced.

IV. Election of the of the Board of Directors and substitute members

board members are LynnwoodBrown, JulianLevens and GeorgeClark Candidates for board members:
Proposee Number of votes
The proposed board members accepted their nomination. As the election was uncontested, a "clap" vote was taken.

The "new" board consists of: CrawfordCurrie, MichaelDaum, LynnwoodBrown, JulianLevens and GeorgeClark

V. non-board Auditors / Financial Report

Financial Statement

OliverKrueger presented Community.Finance.FinancialStatement2015.
  • Main income: membership fees.
  • Biggest expenditure: tax advisor (needed for the non-profit status) and NewFoswikiServer

Auditors report

KennethLavrsen and AndreLichtsteiner were appointed as an auditor on the last GA.

The GA accepted the reports and exonerated the board.

Election of two auditors for the next year

KennethLavrsen and MarkusUeberall were appointed as auditors for the next GA.

VI. Proposals received from the members for Bylaws


VII . Misc

Discussion of the meeting time for the General Assembly: There was one strong objection raised prior to the meeting about the meeting time. General discussion that: 1) The meeting should be held while daylight savings time is active. This makes it easier for some to attend. 2) We should be able to move the meeting 1 or 2 hours earlier and not inconvenience too many. This will make it most difficult for Western US participants. 5am Pacific time. and 10pm for Brisbane Australia.

There was some consensus that Fridays is a reasonable day for the meeting.

A time for next year's GA was proposed: 7 April 20162017, 1100Z. Accepted by "clap" vote.

X. Closing

The assembly was closed by LynnwoodBrown at 12:30Z
Topic revision: r3 - 19 May 2017, MichaelDaum
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