

The board shall establish rules concerning the use of the foswiki domains based on the conclusion of the discussion below (if any). please specify when there is a conclusion


SvenDowideit has, and There seems to be an assumption that the association will hold these domains, but we seem to lack a discussion on what we'll do with them.
  1. will they all just point to the same wiki and topic
  2. do we use them for separate purposes, for eg
    • is this wiki
    • is a free foswiki hosting site
    • is a paid hosting / consulting hub
  3. SvenReher has the Domain. He will be handle over to the association.
  4. CoriaXu has the . He will be handle over to the association.
  5. or... Sven keeps and sells it to MrBranson for a squillion quids

Voting results

DONE The proposal is accepted.

(option 1...)


I like number 2. I think especially the free hosting site and the consulting hub are very interesting in addition, to what we have. Maybe we can integrate the Jumpbox for the hosting. -- MartinSeibert - 10 Oct 2009

I for one am strictly against the idea of a hosting site/hub as long as the domains in question are hold by the association (because it could ultimately be hold liable for any infringements). A registered association is not the right organisational form for this kind of business. Apart from that, I'm quite sure that this would cost us the association's non-profit character/charitable status. -- MarkusUeberall - 10 Oct 2009

Markus is right: you can't do hosting business with a non-profit association. Not sure if making it a free service makes any differences. Hosting costs, so this money must come from somewhere. Another idea how about registering and things like that? -- MichaelDaum - 10 Oct 2009
Topic revision: r5 - 01 Feb 2012, OliverKrueger
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