This question about Topic Markup Language and applications: Task closed

How to set the search output in different colours

Hi all,

I have a dataform like this:

Name Type Size Value Message Attributes   Document Title Text 50   Title of the document

| Description | Text | 80 | | Short description of the content of the document | |
| R&D Deliverable | Select | 1 | Mandatory, Optional | Is the document optional or mandatory deliverable | |
| State Of Document At Gate | Select | 1 | Not applicable, Draft (In work), Final | State of the document at gate | |

Then I can make a search like

| Title | Derliverable | State At Review | Description |
%S E A R C H{" (StateOfDocumentAtGate='Final' OR
StateOfDocumentAtGate='Draft (In work)'"
web="Documents" nonoise="on" type="query"
format="| $formfield(DocumentTitle) | $formfield(R&DDeliverable) |$formfield(StateOfDocumentAtGate) | $formfield(Description) |

This works fine.... but I would like to have the output of the search function to be green if it is a R&DDeliverable=Mandatory else Yellow....

I have tried with this oe below but it doesnt work.....

| Title | Derliverable | State At Review | Description |
%S E A R C H{" (StateOfDocumentAtGate='Final' OR
StateOfDocumentAtGate='Draft (In work)'"
web="Documents" nonoise="on" type="query"
format="<span style="color:$percentIF{$quotPMPDeliverable='Mandatory'$quot then=$quotgreen$quot else=$quotred$quot%">| $formfield(DocumentTitle) | $formfield(R&DDeliverable) |$formfield(StateOfDocumentAtGate) | $formfield(Description) |

What do I do wrong?

Thanks Peter

-- PeterSvendsen - 10 Feb 2012

Try something like this (colours only those topics created by ArthurClemens):
.classificationSupportQuestion {background-color: red;}
.classificationFrequentlyAskedQuestion {background-color: green;}
.classificationExtensionHub {background-color: blue;}
.classificationSupplementalDoc {background-color: yellow;}
.classificationWikiConsultantTopic {background-color: green;}
.classificationAdminTopic {background-color: orange;}
.boring {font-weight: bold;}
  header="| *Topic* | *Classification* | *Creator* |"
  format="| [[$web.$topic][$topic]] | <span class='$percntIF{
  }$percnt'>$formfield(TopicClassification)</span> | [[$createwikiusername][$createusername]] |"


Searched: TopicClassification
Topic Classification Creator
AcronymDefinitionsPlugin ExtensionHub AlexisHazell
ActionTrackerPlugin ExtensionHub CrawfordCurrie
AdminTopic GatewayTopic RafaelAlvarez
ApacheConfigGenerator AdminTopic WillNorris
AvatarPlugin ExtensionHub ArthurClemens
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Faq1 FrequentlyAskedQuestion CrawfordCurrie
Faq10 FrequentlyAskedQuestion ArthurClemens
Faq12 FrequentlyAskedQuestion CrawfordCurrie
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Number of topics: 25
Page 1 of 6 Next >
-- PaulHarvey - 13 Feb 2012

Thanks SvenDowideit for cleaning up my initial answer.

Peter, does this work for you? If not, set this question back to 'asked'.

-- PaulHarvey - 13 Feb 2012

PeterSvendsen added the following:

The actual case is that I use the this to search for all delivery (documents) for projects and if the documents are mandatory I would like to make them bold or have a colour..... I have adjusted your example above... First.. I search for all documents that must be in either draft or final version at the review... and then I look if the document is a optional or mandatory through the formfield R&DDelivery... if it is mandatoy I try to make it red... (red as test, need to see how it looks, I may change this to be bold only later)

When I test all of the hits gets bold..... so I'm not 100% up and running... still looking into the issue.... smile

..classificationMandatory {background-color: red;}
..classificationOptional {background-color: yellow;}
.boring {font-weight: bold;}
%SEARCH{" (StateOfDocumentAtHWReviewInt='Final' OR 
   StateOfDocumentAtHWReviewInt='Draft (In work)') AND 
   FunctionArea='Design & Test'  AND 
   web="Documents" nonoise="on" type="query"
  header="| *Title* | *PMP deliverables* | *State At Review* | *Description* |"
  format="| [[$topic][$formfield(DocumentTitle)]] | <span class='$percntIF{
  }$percnt'>$formfield(PMPDeliverableAtHWReviewInt)</span> | $formfield(StateOfDocumentAtHWReviewInt) | $formfield(Description) | "

Ah, there are three problems that I can see
  • Your <style> markup doesn't seem to be valid css (too many dots). It should be .classification..., not ..classification...
  • I don't think 'R&DDeliverable' is a valid field name. Foswiki probably stores it as 'RDDeliverable', and you should perhaps query it that way.
  • IF{\"'$R&DDeliverable'='Mandatory'\"... will always be false, because you are asking the IF to compare two literal strings (quoted with ' ) which are not the same. The LHS quoted string could be IF{\"'$formfield(RDDeliverable)'='Mandatory'\"... or, if expanding RDDeliverable causes problems, you can ask IF to test it directly, Eg. IF{\"'$web.$topic'/RDDeliverable='Mandatory'\"...
-- PaulHarvey - 13 Feb 2012

Thanks a lot Paul it seems to work very well.. now I get the bold color for mandatory documents. I have 2 additional questions:
  • If I would like to whole line to be bold and not just the PMPDeliverableAtHWReviewInt I would expect the logic to be more simple but agian I run my head into the wall I can not see the solution! The only way I can solve the problem is to copy the IF... for all columbs in the output which I see as a big overhead...
  • In the logic above... when will the line become red or Yellow? I have not seen a case for that yet....?
This works but seems to be a big overhead....

.classificationMandatory {background-color: red;}
.classificationOptional {background-color: yellow;}
.boring {font-weight: bold;}
%SEARCH{" (StateOfDocumentAtHWReviewInt='Final' OR 
   StateOfDocumentAtHWReviewInt='Draft (In work)') AND 
   FunctionArea='Design & Test'  AND 
   web="Documents" nonoise="on" type="query"
  header="| *Title* | *PMP deliverables* | *State At Review* | *Description* |"
  format="| <span class='$percntIF{\"'$formfield(RDDeliverable)'='Optional'\" 
  }$percnt'>[[$topic][$formfield(DocumentTitle)]] </span> | <span class='$percntIF{\"'$formfield(RDDeliverable)'='Optional'\" 
  }$percnt'>$formfield(PMPDeliverableAtHWReviewInt)</span> | <span class='$percntIF{\"'$formfield(RDDeliverable)'='Optional'\" 
  }$percnt'>$formfield(StateOfDocumentAtHWReviewInt)</span> | <span class='$percntIF{\"'$formfield(RDDeliverable)'='Optional'\" 
    else=\"boring\"  }$percnt'>$formfield(Description)</span> | "

-- PeterSvendsen - 13 Feb 2012

  • Hrm, I think if you want better efficiency, you should avoid TML table constructs ( | symbols) and emit HTML directly. That way, you could apply a class for the row (<tr class="boring">...) and use a CSS style like tr.boring td { background-color: red }
  • I'm not sure if you're using this pattern properly - what is 'DocumentTitle' allowed to contain? When we have: class="classification$formfield(Foo)", we want the 'Foo' field to only contain one of several existing possible values; like Mandatory, Optional or Banana. Then, we write definitions for all the possible CSS classes which that field might generate: classificationMandatory, classificationOptional and classificationBana
-- PaulHarvey - 14 Feb 2012

  • It seems that there are room for improvements here.
  • I may not use the pattern properly but would like to optimize it so I dont cause extra work for the application.
  • I have placed a screen shoot how it looks today and how I would like it to look.... I would expect that the red and yellow classes are not needed and can be moved due to the fact that the mandatory documents are highlighted with bold.
  • As you write in your example class="classification$formfield(Foo) I properly use it the wrong way.... could you give me a hint how it then would look like or a place where I can find the information?
  • As you see the DocumentTitle is a title and could therefore easy be "This is a document title"

-- PeterSvendsen - 15 Feb 2012

Try this:
.classificationMandatory {font-weight: bold;}
%SEARCH{" (StateOfDocumentAtHWReviewInt='Final' OR 
   StateOfDocumentAtHWReviewInt='Draft (In work)') AND 
   FunctionArea='Design & Test'  AND 
   web="Documents" nonoise="on" type="query"
  header="| *Title* | *PMP deliverables* | *State At Review* | *Description* |"
  format="| <span class='classification$formfield(RDDeliverable)'>[[$topic][$formfield(DocumentTitle)]] </span> \
          | <span class='classification$formfield(RDDeliverable)'>$formfield(PMPDeliverableAtHWReviewInt)</span> \
          | <span class='classification$formfield(RDDeliverable)'>$formfield(StateOfDocumentAtHWReviewInt)</span> \
          | <span class='classification$formfield(RDDeliverable)'>$formfield(Description)</span> |"

-- PaulHarvey - 15 Feb 2012

This is perfect Paul thanks a lot smile

-- PeterSvendsen - 15 Feb 2012

QuestionForm edit

Subject Topic Markup Language and applications
Version Foswiki 1.1.3
Status Task closed
Related Topics
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
example.pngpng example.png manage 24 K 15 Feb 2012 - 09:18 PeterSvendsen  
Topic revision: r13 - 20 Feb 2012, PeterSvendsen
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