AccessRightsChange |
Change Access control to avoid build in security issues |
None |
Add ADDWORKINGDAYS to SpreadSheetPlugin |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
AddBeforeRenameHandler |
Add beforeRenameHandler to the Plugin API |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
AddConfigurationWizard |
Add a configuration wizard for authentication |
None |
AddContainsComparitorForQuerySearch |
Provide a new comparitor to aid queries against fields which contain list data |
None |
AddDataFormCreatorWizard |
Use a Foswiki app to develop WikiApps |
Item11764 |
SvenDowideit, PaulHarvey |
None |
AddDockerContainerForDistributionMethod |
Simplify installation by creating a collection of docker containers for common configurations. |
None |
AddDollarTotalToFormattedSearch |
Add $total(..) to FormattedSearch |
PaulHarvey |
AcceptedBy14DayRule |
AddExtraSetupToUnitTests |
Allow Extensions to force required setup's into the UnitTests |
SvenDowideit |
None |
AddFeatureLevelContext |
Add a context that represents the core feature level of Foswiki |
Tasks.Item12151 |
GeorgeClark |
AcceptedBy14DayRule |
AddFormToAllDistributedTopics |
Add structure to downloaded topics |
SvenDowideit |
None |
AddFoswikiFuncWikifyWebTopicName |
Add a Foswiki::Func::wikifyWebTopicName() API |
Tasks.Item11356 |
None |
AddIsoweekToSpreadSheetPlugin |
Add ISOWEEK function to SpreadSheetPlugin |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
AddLogoutHandler |
Add logout handlers for LoginManagers |
None |
AddNewWebHandlers |
Add beforeNewWeb and afterNewWeb handlers to the Plugin API |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
AddNormalizeWebTopicModifiersToQueries |
add web and .topic to the Query Search language |
None |
RafaelAlvarez |
None |
AddSWITCHMacro |
Create mechanism for switch statements |
None |
AddSetDefaultToTestFields |
add set default button / js for form fields |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
AddTemplateTopicSection |
allow the use of a named SECTION for templatetopic |
SvenDowideit |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
AddValidationsToURLPARAMMacro |
URLPARAM should be able to validate the browser input |
Tasks.Item13859 |
GeorgeClark |
None |
AddWikiSnapshots |
Add snapshot functionality, mading it possible to browse topics history consistently |
Tasks.Item6090 |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
AdoptACSSFramework |
Adopt a CSS framework from another project |
None |
AdoptSASS |
Adopt SASS |
MichaelDaum |
None |
AjaxAccessFixes |
Ajax Access Fixes |
SvenDowideit |
AcceptedBy14DayRule |
AllowTypedData |
Allow data forms, Foswiki::Form field types and registerMETA to specify data/index types for query/search algo's w/indexes |
Tasks.Item10437 |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
AsciiDocPlugin |
Is it difficult to support Wikipedia:AsciiDoc |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
AttachFileDuringTemplateTopicCreation |
A form that creates a new topic using a template topic should be able to upload an attachment |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
AttachmentStorageInCMS |
Ability to store attachments of certain types in external CMS |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
AutomagicalUpdating |
Automagical Updating of Foswiki |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
AvoidShootingSelfInFoot |
Prevent Accidental Lockout of Topics |
None |
CaseInsensitiveUserMapping |
Ignore differences in case between registration and login |
SvenDowideit |
ConsensusReached |
CategorizeExtensionsInFindExtensions |
Group extensions by some indication of code quality |
None |
ChangeImageLinkBehaviour |
A link that looks like an image should not become an inline image |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
ClarifyQueryParamBestPractices |
Clarify best practices on naming of query parameters. |
None |
CleanUpTopicParentage |
Clean up the parentage of topics shipped with Foswiki |
Tasks.Item2336, Tasks.Item2293 |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
CreateHomeWebConfigVar |
Create a new $TWiki::cfg{HomeWebName} configure variable |
Tasks.Item76 |
ColasNahaboo |
None |
CreateISODateFormat |
Create an ISO datetime format |
Tasks.Item11806 |
ArthurClemens |
AcceptedBy14DayRule |
CreateStandardTopicUpdateNotes |
Create standard topic update notes |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
DataFormFieldVisibleIfNotEmpty |
Introduce new attribute for data field to allow hiding empty fields |
RaymondLutz |
None |
DeprecateContextlessURLConstructs |
Deprecate Contextless URL Constructs |
None |
DeprecateInitUserHandler |
Deprecate the initUserHandler plugin interface |
MichaelTempest |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
DublinCoreMetaData |
Publishing with Dublin Core meta data in head |
DrakeDiedrich |
AcceptedBy14DayRule |
EnableDisplayOfFilesInFormattedSearch |
Add something like $attachment to the format params in %SEARCH{}% |
CarloSchulz (spec), SvenDowideit |
None |
EncryptDataInTopics |
It would be great if users could add personal data to topics, viewed by their own only |
None |
EnhanceIfStatementsAndAttrsParsing |
Add ability to have elsif sections |
KipLubliner |
None |
EnhanceTemplatesWithDynamicValues |
Fix and document field values to enhance templates |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
ExposePreferenceStackTopics |
Enable TML authors to see the topics that comprise the preference stack |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
ExtendedVariableHandling |
Extended handling of variables to improve wiki database use |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
FSAPluginHooks |
Plugin hooks to take advantage of Foswiki Stand Alone |
GilmarSantosJr |
ConsensusReached |
FinerControlOverPluginsOrder |
Need better mechanisms than {PluginsOrder} to control plugin execution order |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
FixSearchLimitAndPagingMess |
Fix SEARCH limit and paging mess |
ArthurClemens |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
FormallySupportMultipleExtensionVersions |
Formally support multiple versions of Extensions |
GeorgeClark |
None |
FormatArbitraryTimes |
Allow TIME macros to format any old time value, not just the current time |
PaulHarvey |
None |
FoswikiSettingsWizard |
Foswiki Settings Wizard |
None |
FoswikiToXmlMetsTransition |
Add XML based Storage and query backend |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
GoIsSearch |
Implement unified Jump & Seach box that does the right thing. |
None |
GrandUnifiedSearchAPITwoZero |
Bring together the SEARCH visions |
None |
HereDocumentSyntaxForMacros |
here-document syntax for macros |
Tasks.Item8422 |
MichaelTempest |
None |
ImproveSecurityOfTemplateAuth |
Use Javascript to avoid passing the password in the clear. |
GeorgeClark |
AcceptedBy14DayRule |
ImprovedRESTSupport |
Enhanced REST Support |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
InheritAccessControlsFromSitePreferences |
Access controls should inherit from Main.SitePreferences and System.DefaultPreferences |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
InlineTopicContentAsMeta |
Inline topic content should be addressable as metadata |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
JQTablePluginAsDefaultExtension |
JQTablePlugin should be a default extension |
GeorgeClark |
None |
KatacodaFoswikiTutorial |
Katacoda Foswiki tutorial |
BramVanOosterhout |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
LazyLoadJsAndCssForSpeed |
Lazy Load Javascript and Css |
MichaelDaum |
None |
LoadDifferentTopicVersions |
Simple syntax for specifying specific topic versions |
PaulHarvey |
AcceptedBy14DayRule |
Make Sure Wikiname Is WikiWord With OpenLDAP Authentication REMOTE_USER |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
MakingVarVARTopicCapable |
%VAR should be able to return variables at the topic level, not only at the web level. |
MartinCleaver |
None |
MassDeleteofSelectedTopics |
When a significant number of (non-related) topics need deltion, it would be could to select them in a UI and process all on a single button click. |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
MoveMultipleAttachmentsAtOnce |
Move Multiple Attachments At Once |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
MoveSECTIONsToFoswikiMeta |
Add an API for INCLUDE sections to Foswiki::Meta |
Tasks.Item10316 |
PaulHarvey |
None |
NewLayoutForMoreScreen |
New layout for the more actions screen |
None |
NoLinkToSelf |
No link to self |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
NoRCSForBinaryAttachments |
Allow disabling of RCS control for binary attachments |
OlivierRaginel |
None |
NumbersAsUpperCase |
Allow numbers to be treated as uppercase instead of lowercase in WikiWords |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
OptionToAvoidFlattenedSummaryInFormattedSearch |
Option to avoid completely flattening text in FormattedSearch's $summary(nnn) |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
ParallelSearch |
Boost Search Performance in huge webs by doing it parallel |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
PluggableRenderers |
Make Foswiki::Render pluggable |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
PluginGarbageCollection |
Plugins need a working/temp file cleanup mechanism |
Tasks.Item10780 |
SvenDowideit |
AcceptedBy14DayRule |
PreferenceValuesInDifferentContexts |
Retrieve preference values in different contexts |
Tasks.Item11789 |
CrawfordCurrie |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
PromoteMetaDotPmToFirstClassAPI |
Make Meta a first class Public API |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
QueryAcrossTopicRevisions |
Query across all topic revisions |
Tasks.Item10121 |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
RedesignManagingWebs |
Redesign ManagingWebs |
Tasks.Item310 |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
RedoSmiliesPluginAsICON |
redo SmiliesPlugin so it outputs ICON macros |
None |
RegistrationI18N |
Changing the registration form for use in I18N |
None |
RemoveHardcodedCssClassNames |
Remove hardcoded CSS class names |
StephaneLenclud |
None |
RemoveSearchDefaultType |
OlivierRaginel, KennethLavrsen |
None |
RenameFormField |
Form fields need a mechanism to rename |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
RenameTemplateTopicAndFormTemplateParams |
add more sensible synonyms for templatetopic and formtemplate |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
ResourceBookingPlugin |
A plugin for booking/scheduling resources |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
ReviewFileSystemPermissionsAndCheckFix |
Review file permissions for consistency and implement checking/fixup |
None |
SearchOrderByTopicElement |
Make Search order param consistent with query |
Tasks.Item10678, Tasks.Item11022 |
SvenDowideit |
AcceptedBy14DayRule |
SelectSkinButtons |
Use Set preferences feature to select skins |
SvenDowideit |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
SimpleVarInclude |
Additional section include ability |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
SimplifyMasterTemplateDefinition |
Stop forcing skin authors to remove the final new-lines from tmpl files |
SvenDowideit |
None |
SimplifyNonDeveloperEditingofReleaseManagedTopics |
Simplify non-developer editing of release managed topics. |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
SimplifySEARCHParameters |
Simply SEARCH parameters |
SvenDowideit |
AcceptedBy14DayRule |
SimplifyTheStoreMetaSemantics |
Simplify The Store - Meta Semantics |
Tasks.Item11135 |
SvenDowideit |
AcceptedBy14DayRule |
SmiliesPluginPictures |
It would be nice if a SmiliesPlugin picture could come from other sources but the SmiliesPlugin topic |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
SpreadsheetRegexFunction |
Add a Generic REGEX function to CALC |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
StoresShouldBePassedConfigHash |
For Store Utilities multiple store instances will be valuable |
JulianLevens |
None |
SupportBulkUpdates |
Support Bulk Updates |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
SupportDeferredExecution |
Support deferred execution or rendering of complex topics |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
SupportLineThroughFormatTag |
Support underline and line-through text decorations |
PaulHarvey |
AcceptedBy14DayRule |
SupportSynchroEdit |
It would be really neat to be able to edit pages synchronously, seeing edits by others in real time |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
SystemTopicsUpdateMethod |
New update method for system topics |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
TemplatingSearchResultSummaries |
Templating search result summaries |
Tasks.Item11266 |
ArthurClemens |
AcceptedBy14DayRule |
TinyMCEMultipleVersionSupport |
Restructure TinyMCE to support multiple versions |
Item12665 |
GeorgeClark |
AcceptedBy14DayRule |
TinyMCEPluginShouldBeMoreModular |
Directory re-structure to separate upstream files AND make it easy to enable/develop TMCE plugins |
Tasks.Item2297 |
PaulHarvey |
None |
ToolsScriptToChangeIpConfiguration |
Script changing IP/DNS in the configuration to become the current IP |
IngoKappler |
None |
TopicCaseSensitivity |
URL's that have correct spelling, irrespective of case will goto that topic. |
None |
TwistyPluginAccordion |
Implementing Accordion to Twisty |
EugenMayer |
None |
UnifyDocumentationViaFoswikiBook |
Create an online 'book' on F.o that facilitates discovery and use of existing documentation, as well as being suitable for conversion to print form |
AlexisHazell |
AcceptedBy14DayRule |
UpgradeSafeCustomisationsOfSystemTopics |
Allow users to customise System topics (such as WebSearch) in an upgrade safe way |
Tasks.Item1935 |
AndrewJones |
None |
UseEnhanceAndMoveSpecFiles |
.spec files are under-used and only by configure. Would be nice to use them more |
OlivierRaginel |
ConsensusReached |
UseSyntaxToChangeEvaluationOrder |
Use a different assignment operator to delay macro evaluation inside parameters |
None |
UseTemplateForRawView |
Use a template to generate raw view |
ArthurClemens |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
UserWebHomes |
Provide support for a User web and user subwebs |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
ViewfileHttpRangeHeader |
Viewfile could usefully support the Http GET "Range" header |
None |
WrapperMacrosForADDTOZONE |
Simplify adding JS/CSS to a page, at the same time reduce validation problems, improve security & cache features |
None |
WysiwygContentPolicies |
Implement a rational way for mere mortals to adjust the level of HTML contamination permitted into their topics |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
WysiwygEditorProfiles |
Formalise TML/HTML conversion requirements on a per-editor, named profile basis |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
WysiwygEditorTranslationRequirements |
Formalise TML/HTML conversion requirements on a per-editor basis |
NoCommittedDeveloper |
WysiwygFormFields |
Making Formfields WYSIWYG capable |
Tasks.Item8032 |
SvenDowideit, PaulHarvey |
ConsensusReached |